how make your speker faster

speakers AYON DRAGON-S
How i can make that speaker a little "faster" or more dynamic ?
Does some sort of spikes will help to move the sound in the direction of faster ?
Are any other method maybe help here like the vertical angle of the speaker?
An experiences or suggestions ?


I agree with Larry. There are many variables.

You could try replacing the stuffing with Black Hole 5, which sometimes will tighten things up. Maybe adding a .1 uF teflon bypass cap to the tweeter crossover caps. Maybe it's your amp that is sluggish. Maybe room treatments.
Buy faster sounding speakers. I am being quite sincere when I say that, although the Ayon speakers have the outward appearance of a quick speaker.
As an intermediate measure, you might want to try setting them on spikes as this tends to clear up the sound a bit.
You may be confusing dynamic with speed , but a highly dynamic speaker is generally very fast as well. Dyunamic range is a different matter altogether. This is where a speaker can transition from low level sound to much louder sound.
I don't know your speaker personally, but I strongly recommend trying to find one you think hast the speed and dynamics you like.
One of my basic and intro stereos consisted of Creek amp and Vandy 1c speakers that was very slow and didn't last long. When I replaced Creek by Bryston 3b the spead increased gazillion times.
If you want the sound to arrive sooner, sit closer to the speakers.
But seriously, what is your amplification?