Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC

Hi, does anybody have any experience with the Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC?


If M.F. doesn't fit into your taste, don't make further comments, don't insult M.F. owners. Have respect others systems and tastes. However, speaking with you like speaking like ''wall''. You will do the same in this forum and others as well. I thank god that I don't see you in marine aquarium (reef) forums. At least I can enjoy elberoth2 free atmosphere:)))
Enjoy with your system, don't bother us please.

I have just noticed, that this is your first post on Audiogon.

You prolly do not know then, that one of the biggest AudiogoN's assets, is freedom of speech. Everyone can express his opinions on any given product.

Kjgp asked about opinions, and I gave him mine. To make it complete, I even gave him details where I have heard it and how did it sound to my ears.

If you feel compelled to attack everyone who dares to have different opinion than you do, you should rather go back to your marine forums.
I have seen your posts about M.F. gear a lot. You always commented bad on M.F. even you had never had one. If you knew a bit about this business, you shouldn't have said ''sounded thin and bright to my ears'' upssss. what a sharp ear you have...under show conditions your razor sharp ears found out kw dm25's trick. answer these questions please: 1)since when Sonus Faber range sound bright and thin?
2) Technically justify that front end of a system determines the final output quality?
3) how come amplifiers, cables, speakers, power treatment pruducts, room acoustics, size.......plays secondary role in a setup?
4) Are we paid by Musical Fidelity? in other words we make our living with promoting kw dm25? (we are: M.T. , Michael Fremer, Ken Kessler,the guys just positively recommended above, John Atkinson who gave ''A'' put kwdm25 in recommended comp.
5) how do you name your school of view of Hi-End components? because you just brought 2.dimension to Hi-End.

Too much freedom sometimes kill the cat.
For the comment that MF products are poorly engineered, could you give a specific example or two of this poor engineering? zmy experience is quite the opposite.
LOL, you learn new things everyday.

Since I just been officially labelled "Musical Fidelity hater", I think I have to go back and start some MF hate threads.

I confess, that in my 300+ posts on Audiogon, I have only once mentioned MF (in this thread), but from now on, as an official MF hater, I promise to do better !