24/192 Big Improvement Over 24/96????

Just saw that HD Tracks have released Miles Davis Kind of Blue in both 24/96 and 24/192 formats; which one do I get? Is it worth the extra expense to go to the higher resolution format, have you noticed any improvements with this recording, or any other, when stepping up from 24/96 to 24/192?

Second question; the remastered CD of Kind Of Blue sounds very good to me; is the HD Tracks digital download noticeably superior?
Thanks for your help/insight guys. For the time being I am going to stick with 24/96 FLAC. I will download Kind Of Blue tonight and report back soon. BTW, my system is a MacBook Air (running Audirvana Plus) USB to an Oppo 105 for decoding then analog out (via XLR stereo) to a Krell HTS 7.1 (just a glorified volume control in this application (no decoding) to a Krell TAS and eventually B&W N801s. Sound great to me.
Sorry to throw water on this OP, but please read the article which can be found by clicking on the link below.


The author maintains that the recording, engineering and mastering process are the most important aspects of high quality anything, not format.

Mgattmch...24/192 is better. The key thing with 24/192 is a cleaner sound that eliminates more digital artifacts/fatigue. You will get more expert advice on this question on the computer audiophile site.
My Cary 303/300 CDP has user-selectable upsampling. This feature allows me to tailor the sound of each recording. Not all recordings sound better at higher sampling rates. In other words, I think the answer to OP's question is unknowable.
I agree the recording/mastering is the biggest factor. That said, I think what Chord Electronics has to say about hires is interesting .. 1st four paragraphs in particular:
