Budget of $30K. Help me build a system

Hi all,

I just got around to unpacking my Merlin VSM-M's from a few international moves and have decided to rebuild since I sold off a lot of my gear in those moves. I have a budget of about $30k. Will be setup in a pretty small room of 14x8

What remained was an Aragon 8003 and a Lexicon MC1. Not really an ideal setup for these speakers.

I'posted in "Speakers" because I am under the impression that is the component you start with and should build around. So looking at upgrade paths I've almost decided on the following:

Master VSM-MXM (sell my VSM-M) $13,600- $2k = $11,600
Ars Sonum Filamonia SJ ESM $4,300
Bryston BDP1 $2500
Bryston BDA1 $2500
Cardas Clear ~$3000
GIK Acoustic treatments $2000
Equitech Son of Q balanced power conditioner $2500
Hi-Fi Racks Podium Reference $2000

Which brings me to $30,400k.

Am I missing anything? Any concerns with the synergy of selected components or do you think they marry well?

Problem I have is I live in a location where I am limited to what I can audition in person. So a lot of this I will be buying deaf...which is not ideal. It also limits me to what I can buy used since there isn't much of a market here and with shipping and power issues doesn't make it cost effective in most cases.

Thanks for your advice.
Buy the best pair of vintage Audio Research tube monoblocks you can buy with the matching pre-amp.

Buy a vintage TEAC x 10 Reel to Reel to record digital onto analog tape...Super Cool!

Buy pair of dc10audio Berlin Studio Monitors with the solid maple horn

The look and sound of this system will be fun and hard to beat!!
Just going to suggest to you perhaps a radical departure from your current approach:

If you sort through the very high end systems on audiogon, you will find the system is often built around the front-end, the opposite of what you suggest (the speakers). This is because the source is your starting point, and nothing can undo problems that begin here. Consider allocating 10-15k of the 30 to the best DAC/CD/Turntable you can afford, and reduce spending on treatments. The goal is balance: no one component should "outclass" the rest. Music reproduction is a chain, and a system is only as good as its weakest link.

Kind regards,
I agree with your approach of starting with the speakers and the amp/speaker interface is very important. I think you are on the right track with Merlin and ARS as from my experience they work well together.

I would re-evaluate the funds set aside for everything else. I know Bobby recommends Cardas with his speakers but I do not think you have to go with Clear. A friend of mine had Merlin's and used Golden Reference which are a bit less expensive. There are lots of other less expensive cable options as well that I think would work nicely too.

In addition, I would hold off on both the power conditioner and room treatments until you had everything set up in your room and listened for some time. I used both extensively for a while and learned I could live without a power conditioner and live with minimal room treatments (basically bass traps in the corners behind the speakers). If you are going to be listening near field, and in your size room that is most likely going to be the case, you may not need room treatments at all.

In any case my point is to shave off some dollars on the accessories and put more money into your source or just get the Bryston combo and set the rest aside until you have had some time to evaluate. It's possible you won't need to spend the full $30k.
Thanks all, you advice has been helpful in seeing other point of views.

Clio09, what you suggest is basically where my mindset has gone. Hold out on room treatments and power conditioner for now. A good point regarding cables. I think I might consider the Cardas Presence and take the money saved and invest in a better DAC.

Not that there is anything wrong with the Bryston BDA but a few things I have been reading lead me to believe I can improve at this 'link in the chain'. Calyx Femto, Lampinator, Aurelic to name a few.
hello blueshirt, i own a pair of the vsm's, they will work fin in a smaller room. i'm sure that bobby p. would agree with me on that one. i have a small to medium sized room 17' x 10' and the vsm's sound wonderful. i have them paired up with an older ars filly. the pair just lets the music through. check out the ayre cx7 for a digital front end. its stand alone, but it does a fantastic job on redbook cds. great choice for cables, should be a killer system, ron