CJ Equipment - Speaker Recommendations

Conrad Johnson folks:

I’m an owner of CJ’s premier 12 mono blocks and 16LS pre. Love the stuff. Problem is I’m struggling with finding the right speaker. Currently have Tannoy’s Turnberry SE’s. Love their look but think I can do better sound wise. I’m Considering moving up the Tannoy line to the Kensingtons (want to stay with that non-contemporary furniture piece look). Wife does not like a contemporary look..

Large listening area, prefer the likes of Diana Krall, Holly Cole, Melody Gardot, and classical and some classical rock. Like a sweet midrange and an overall warmth.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!
Hi Rbschauman,

Wow...great equipment! I have long admired and enjoyed CJ myself. Personally, i run 2 ways with CJ equipment...Sonus Faber, or Wilson. Some would say that SF is great with tubes (it is)...others might say a touch of the Wilson focus on linearity and slam work well with the warmer tubes up front. for example, Martin Colloms review of the mighty Wilson X1/Grand Slamm specifically noted that he was 'particularly indebted to" the CJ Premier 12s with the X1s.

With the former, you'll get magic upon magic in the mids, warmth, etc. With the latter, you might find a clarity (with a warmth) that can be quite startling and beautiful. After years with CJ and SF...i went to CJ and Wilson. YMMV. Good luck...great equipment.
I do believe an upward direction in the Tannoy line would prove to be satisfying, but I think you may have to go farther up than the Kinsingtons to match the quality of your other gear.

I have Tannoys, but they are custom built, using HPD 315 drivers (12" Dual Concentric), with new cones upgraded to the current Prestige line with "Hard Edge" surrounds.

The crossovers are custom designed and built, using top quality parts (Mundorf S-I-O caps, Alpha Core foil inductors, and Dueland resistors).

The cabinets are 150 liter, nearly two inches thick, and weigh about two hundred pounds each.

I use them in a large room (16' X 39'), with a cathedral ceiling.

The point of all this, that in using very high quality ingredients, even a thirty five year old Tannoy can be made to sound state-of-the-art, even in this day and age.

I encourage you to listen to models higher up in the Prestige line. You didn't mentiion how large a speaker will fit in your listening room, or your budget, but considering your other equipment, perhaps even the Kingdom Royals are not out of the question.

Happy hunting, and good luck, regards,
I had premier 16, with Premier 8, on Verity Parsifal's. The bass could be on the loose side, but it was quite good other wise. Your price range, new/used would be helpful. Loved the Parsifal Encore's, but they are not the most efficient....