possibility of refinishing speaker

I have Sonus Faber Liuto wood in cherry finish. What would be the possibility and or problem staining the side panels to a satin black? thanks
Cover them with satin black duct tape. At least you could remove it someday if necessary.
I'm almost sure your speakers are finished with a 2 Pack sealer and clear over a spirit stained veneer. After preparation, satin black 2 pack can be sprayed over the original clear coat, a sealer shouldn't be necessary. 2 Pack is nasty and should be applied in a spray booth, so a good well equipped spray painter can do the job. I did a quick search and it looks like your speakers were sold in black also. Popularity of solid or clear finishes may determine resale value. I hope this helps.
I suspect the total economics, including resale vale, would actually favor you swapping your cherry finish for a factory finished black satin. Talk to an SF dealer they might be able to locate a floor sample or returned unit that could facilitate a straight swap. Otherwise you might independently sell your unit and buy a black satin replacement.
Onhwy61 +1

Even a perfect result would likely crush retail, and it is not at all unlikely that you won't get a perfect result.

Don't do it! If you have to ask the question you don't have the expertise to do a perfect job; unless, of course, you don't care about that or about resale. My first pair of Stax f-81's had been painted in piano-black by the previous owner, and I must say that the end result, while not exactly perfect was pretty good. And DON'T USE DUCT TAPE! You'll never get the tape residue off without ruining the finish.