Ipod Dock with direct out?????

I LOVE my integrated amps and need a dock for my I POD. FATMAN makes some decent docks, but they all are integrated amps without the direct out option. Any decent choices out there? I know Wadia is coming out with one. Where would I buy it if thats the choice? Thanks!
Nrostov, Playing devil's advocate... could you not accomplish the same thing for less money (assuming that jitter elimination is done as adroitly) as the MSB by getting the Wadia and something like an Empirical Audio PaceCar (which would then also be available for use for other digital sources)?
Oops. Forgot to provide a disclaimer: no connection to any of the in the thread; I have neither owned nor heard any of the products mentioned (except the iPod).

Yes in theory the Pace Car could be used for jitter(though I don't know how good it is never having used it). However it would not solve the other matter of cleaning up the Ipod signal which if you look at it is pretty distorted when compared to a CD sine curve.
Perhaps I don't understand the goal here. What needs to be "cleaned up" other than the jitter? And if it is jitter, does it need to be "cleaned up" before it gets "cleaned up" in the jitter-reducing apparatus?
T_bone, to be honest I talked to the guys and it was getting a little technical for me, but sufice to say that there is distortion in the direct digital Ipod signal that goes beyond just jitter. So in effect the ISB dock reprocesses each bit getting rid of all the garbage so that it matches the original bit on the CD. I can't give a better explanation. Sorry.