Ipod Dock with direct out?????

I LOVE my integrated amps and need a dock for my I POD. FATMAN makes some decent docks, but they all are integrated amps without the direct out option. Any decent choices out there? I know Wadia is coming out with one. Where would I buy it if thats the choice? Thanks!
T_bone, to be honest I talked to the guys and it was getting a little technical for me, but sufice to say that there is distortion in the direct digital Ipod signal that goes beyond just jitter. So in effect the ISB dock reprocesses each bit getting rid of all the garbage so that it matches the original bit on the CD. I can't give a better explanation. Sorry.

It goes beyond a stretch to call that comment hostile, but let's get beyond that.

Like the claims of MSB, Wadia also makes claims of delivering bit perfect data.

The link you provided that shows the "bad" data coming from the iPod I highly suspect is after going through the DAC of the iPod.

If there is some other mysterious distortion that needs cleaned up, how are they to get it back to bit-perfect like the CD? If it is corrupt it is corrupt. It is my opinion, feel free to have your own, that what you are claiming is "clever" marketing.

Jitter can be handled when using the Wadia every bit as well as the MSB. We will simply have to agree to disagree.

It seems to me that some statements based on the MSB are done so not considering the Wadia, as it wasn't yet available, knowing that all (other) iPod docks used the the DAC within the iPod.

I was actually referring to someone else's comment as hostile however I did not find your's polite.

I called MSB to clarify things. The MSB Idoc uses a proprietary DSP to reduce jitter to 7 picometers. Industry standards consider 100 picometers to be good.

As far as other distortion I was wrong about that part and wanted to correct it.

Look if the Wadia contains that kind of DSP that can reduce jitter to that low of an amount I will be happy to buy it. It's much cheaper and comes in a pretty box.

As far as the picture used in their ad I will call tommorrow and find out. You should call them too. They are very open and honest. Their engineers have been trying to get a hold of a Wadia for testing themselves. They want to see what Wadia is doing and if their unit is indeed equal to theirs.

I would like to point out though that Wadia's bit for bit could be the bit for bit in picture a. If that's the case I'll be getting the MSB and you can get the Wadia :)

You guys we're correct about one thing I shouldn't judge the Wadia before it comes out.
I would like to point out though that Wadia's bit for bit could be the bit for bit in picture
Those bits don't know if they are audio or video. :)

You seem very set on dismissing the Wadia.

Look if the Wadia contains that kind of DSP that can reduce jitter to that low of an amount I will be happy to buy it. It's much cheaper and comes in a pretty box.

I am being redundant here. You can purchase a DAC that reclocks the signal reducing jitter and this is as not rare to find as you have eluded. MSB isn't the only company gifted at reducing jitter.

I believe I have read a blurb that states that the MSB unit converts the signal to SPDIF instead of the iPod doing so, whether this makes much difference I am sure is up for plenty of debate.

Let me be clear in that I am not dismissing the MSB unit, rather countering comments against the Wadia that I think are not accurate.
I should be receiving my Wadia iTransport tomorrow and will be running it into my Dodson 218 DAC which re-clocks the signal before the conversion stage. My iPod contains some songs that were ripped directly from CD's using Apple Lossless, and other uploads that range from 128 to 360 in resolution, all converted to Apple Lossless.

I will give my honest impressions after a few hours with the new toy.
