Isolating CDP from weak wood floor

My CDP skips (alot) when my 25lb son dances on the wood floor in front of it (weak joists). I have a solid Manna rack and use MIB bearings under the CDP, but there is really no up/down isolation. I've also tried nothing, bubble wrap and some thick rubber/cork feet--no dice. I just looked at some Solid-Tech discs of silence, which seem like they might work- Before I shell out the $$, I thought I'd see if anyone else has faced this problem. Thanks. D
Someone in these threads mentioned using gel filled wrist pads, designed for people who use computers. He placed two of them under his turntable and found they provided excellent isolation from vibration. They are inexpensive. Might be worth a try under your CDP.
If your system is on the first floor with a crawl space below, your best bet would be to buy some screw jacks or house jacks and place them between joists in question and the ground.