Need New Bookshelf Speakers of Certain 'Style'

I'll explain the 'style' component in a bit, but first some background.

I am looking to buy a pair of bookshelf speakers for a room that I am setting up with a turntable. The room size is 15x20.

My budget is $700-1500 for a pair of speakers.

I have just ordered some kit. Peachtree Nova65SE, Pro-ject Turntable Debut Carbon Esprit SB, Rega Fono MM phono stage, and Peachtree BT1 for streaming music from devices.

I have read through countless posts and threads about bookshelf speakers, and I would like to find something that would pair well with my Peachtree. The speakers would likely be in close proximity to walls due to the space and as I have kids who are just at that age to mess things up big time. We will also be renovating this room in a few years, so these speakers would eventually end up in an office or bedroom after the remodel. So this is in some ways temporary kit (3-4 years).

My wife's and my music preferences tend towards jazz (Coltrain, Oscar Peterson, trumpet jazz, vocal jazz both classic and more contemporary), singer-songwriter, folk, and I do love my punk rock when no one else is around.

From scouring the posts and threads, here is my short list.

Gallo Acoustics Strada (basic or 2s)
NHT Classic 3
Neat Iota
Rega RS1
Sonus Faber Toy Speaker (in leather)

Others I am open to and considered:

B&W 685
Montinor Audio GX50
Salk WOW 1 mini-monitor (can customize, which is nice)
Silverline Minuets
Epos K-1
Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 Reference Monitor

I know that front porting and sealed speakers tend to be best when put up against walls, so I have tried to take that into consideration.

So now for the 'style' component. My wife is the only one working right now, and she doesn't like those traditional boxy wood speakers. Smaller in size and high gloss white, gun metal colored etc are what she likes and then glossy piano black after that. This isn't driving the decision, but I am doing my best to take that into consideration as she is the one working and earning the coin for this kit and we both are going to enjoy the system.

My gut leans towards the NHTs right now with their month-long trail period to give 'em a run, and also the KEF LS50s. KEF 102s were my first speaker I bought at the young age of 19, and I still have them hooked up to my Nakamichi TA-3A in my man cave. There is a bit of nostalgia with KEF.

But I am really open to any input and advice. I am just getting back into audio and especially vinyl, so things have changed and I feel out of my element. Just want to make sure my kit matches up well, get the best speaker for my budget, and hopefully it will be in a style that will please the wife.

Yes you won't "pressurize" the room with bookshelf speakers. You will need to stay relatively close to them, if you were planning on moving around and hearing your music at a specific volume , that won't happen. Getting your wife to agree to floor standers is an unenviable job good luck.
Someone mentioned Joseph Audio... There is a pair of Rm7si local to me for $650 (pm me if intersted) I actually demo'd them awhile back but preferred my home made Jamo D 830's...

Which brings me to another option... The Jamo d830's if you can find them are really nice. Really solid construction and Seas Excel Drivers.

Im having a hard time recommending speakers to you because I'm looking also and I don't need the competition, lol.

On a side note, anyone else notice the unusual lack of good used deals out there? What gives?
When faced with a choice, always go with Silverline speakers for two reasons: I own a pair, and I want those guys to stay in business in case I need something from them. Was that two?...two and a half?
I have a perfect pair of Proac Response 2.5 in Birdseye Maple, that I might consider selling. Using something else right now.......
lol @ Wolf

Good to see (?) you again! I think that was in fact 2.5 reasons why to buy Silverline, and if we were keeping track here, that might make you the winner.

I'm sticking to the Ushers, even though I haven't heard them. There is a pair of $1500 but he doesn't want to ship them. You might be able to work something out!