My head hurts....

Looking to upgrade my digital and there are so many choices and possible alternatives that has my head spinning
Should I hold off and wait to see where digital is heading
I like my present universal player but alway's have an itch to see what else is out there

Opinions appreciated
1) what do you have now, 2) what mediums do you prefer (SACD, DVD-A, Redbook), and 3) why are you thinking you need something different?

The last one is really the key point. If you are unhappy with what you have or are just plain bored, then a change might be in order. The medium of digital is like computers; something new is always around the corner - always. Think through what is important to you as a listener and what you want out of anything you would buy.

Knowing yourself is very important in this crazy world of hi-fi. If you are a buy and hold kind of person, don't read about the latest thing if you are happy with what you have, it will only make you miserable. If you are a gadget person who loves the latest and greatest, be prepared to swap out what you have every year or so and budget accordingly. If you are somewhere in between, wait out the latest fads to see what sticks, and buy solid, reputable brands. And if you aren't sure of something, buy used and be prepared to turn around and sell it right away if it isn't what you want. That last part is what makes Audiogon a godsend for many.
My ASR Phono in down leaving me stuck with digiial for a short period time and my head is hurting as well.