amp for vandersteen Quatro maybe vandersteen 5a

After listening to v. Quatro have decide to go with this speaker. Need help on choosing amp and pre amp.Thanks
Richard LOVES the sound of SE and tubes. Yes, they mate so well from 100 up and then their own built in amp takes over.
I have used many different amps with Vandersteens over time: Levinson, Belles, McCormack and Conrad Johnson

For me the CJ's are the match I prefer and have been using with Vandie 5A's for many years. Very listenable
Interesting that so many owners love so many different types of amps with them. I have found them very easy to drive. They seem so neutral that if you love a brand of electronics that is what you will hear. Not all high end loudspeakers seem to be like that from what I've listened to.