Why Don't More People Love Audio?

Can anyone explain why high end audio seems to be forever stuck as a cottage industry? Why do my rich friends who absolutely have to have the BEST of everything and wouldn't be caught dead without expensive clothes, watch, car, home, furniture etc. settle for cheap mass produced components stuck away in a closet somewhere? I can hardly afford to go out to dinner, but I wouldn't dream of spending any less on audio or music.
Why this point is so elusive to so many of you I cannot imagine but because I am patient and caring and a credit to my race, I will try once again to move this point close enough for y'all to grasp.

I don't personally care about hang-gliding, canasta, rodeo or bowling. Golf does not matter to me. many of the things that obsessive proponents adore and recommend reside well beyond the circle of my interests.

MANY PEOPLE FEEL THE SAME WAY ABOUT AUDIO. They just don't friggin care. It is not because they haven't yet heard your system. It is not because they are still on the near side of the great awakening. It is because the things that matter to a crazy few generally do not appeal to the greater population.

Let it go. It just means more for you. Sit back and gloat. The masses will be fine without indoctrination. They don't need you to "save" them.
Macro, as rational as your explanation sounds, it can never fully explain the situation. Funds and physical accomodations can be limiting factors for a period of time. So just because someone doesn't own a nice system doesn't mean they don't care. I think ALL people are fasciniated and excited by great audio (is it not a major selling point for movies?)

The difference is, that for a small minority of us, that fascination somehow "takes hold" and we want to have that kind of wonderful sound in our personal environment. I don't need to validate my interests by foisting them on others, or gloat that "those peons just don't know what they're missing". But I always have a minute to share my system with people who have no clue about high-end audio, and if they are fascinated like I was/am, they don't need me to push them into it. "Audio" creats addicts on the first snort -- or never!
There is a theory going around that real audiophiles do not like remotes. Maybe most people like remotes better than good sound?