My stereo isn't doing it for me. Need advice

I have been trying to get a great sounding room for a while now and it still doesn't sound great or even good. I have a Prinaluna Dialogue 5 power amp and a Primaluna Prologue preamp. All with stock tubes so far. A Marantz c6005 CD player. Morrow mc3 interconnects and Kimber 8tc speaker cable. My speakers are Dynaudio x12's which sound the best in my room. I also have Dynaudio x32 speakers and a pair of KEF LS50 speakers. Also a REL T-5 subwoofer. My room is my office and is 9 x 11 with 8 Foot ceilings. Some acoustic stuff sounds great but the louder stuff not so much. I find I listen to music that sounds good rather than music I want to hear. Any suggestions on what I can change. I also bought a Class D Audio 200 watt per channel amplifier that makes everything sound even worse.
Tough room. D/C the sub. Then experiment with speaker position. Some panel treatment will help with high frequencies but very difficult to control room modes. I've had a small room in the past. I would rather have good headphones than wrestle with it again.
I will echo the advice from Sebrof. I was forced to move in to a 12X12 room and after a few months of God awful sound I found the Decware paper Sebrof mentioned. The results were revelatory and I now have wonderful sound with a three dimensional soundstage to die for. Still can't go too loud. That ain't happening in a small room no matter how well treated it is.
You have some very fine equipment in a challenging room. The preponderance of advice from the forum has been to address that room. You decide to change your cdp or speakers, WTF?
My experience with high end audio suggest that the size and dimensions of your room has a lot to do with your perspective on how your equipment is performing. A 9x11 room with the 8ft ceiling will never allow the propagation of really deep bass fundamentals. Along with that your reflection points almost assures that there will be standing wave problems. Having said that, however, there are remedies... which range from room correction software products to sophisticated tweaks which have been thoroughly discussed in previous threads. Bottom line is that, with the exception of your CD player, your choice of HiFi gear should get you a long way toward satisfying sound. I would leave your equipment alone and work on room acoustics before making other changes.
The preponderance of advice from the forum has been to address that room. You decide to change your cdp or speakers, WTF?
WTF indeed.
At least he's not changing out cables ;)
"Bottom line is that, with the exception of your CD player, your choice of HiFi gear should get you a long way toward satisfying sound."

Why wouldn't you factor in the CD player? It doesn't make sense to leave it out.