My stereo isn't doing it for me. Need advice

I have been trying to get a great sounding room for a while now and it still doesn't sound great or even good. I have a Prinaluna Dialogue 5 power amp and a Primaluna Prologue preamp. All with stock tubes so far. A Marantz c6005 CD player. Morrow mc3 interconnects and Kimber 8tc speaker cable. My speakers are Dynaudio x12's which sound the best in my room. I also have Dynaudio x32 speakers and a pair of KEF LS50 speakers. Also a REL T-5 subwoofer. My room is my office and is 9 x 11 with 8 Foot ceilings. Some acoustic stuff sounds great but the louder stuff not so much. I find I listen to music that sounds good rather than music I want to hear. Any suggestions on what I can change. I also bought a Class D Audio 200 watt per channel amplifier that makes everything sound even worse.
The preponderance of advice from the forum has been to address that room. You decide to change your cdp or speakers, WTF?
WTF indeed.
At least he's not changing out cables ;)
"Bottom line is that, with the exception of your CD player, your choice of HiFi gear should get you a long way toward satisfying sound."

Why wouldn't you factor in the CD player? It doesn't make sense to leave it out.
Yeah, so you don't have the best CDP, but that doesn't enter into this sound problem.
I agree that you should try listening in a near-field setup before buying new gear.

Set your listening position about 6 to 7 ft. from speakers. Start by positioning each speaker close to the side walls, then move them incrementally closer toward the center of the room. You'll eventually reach the sweet spot for soundstaging. Then try with and w/o subwoofer. This setup will help remove the effect the room has on the sound.

You may not want to live with a near-field setup, but by doing this first, you'll get a closer representation of the synergy of your system. You might find that your amp and speakers are a good match.