Benchmark DAC1 Pre vs. Bel Canto DAC3

Anyone compare these two DAC's? They both have volume adjustment and USB inputs and I was wondering how they compared sound-wise. The used Bel Canto seems to presently cost the same as a new DAC1 Pre. Thanks in advance.
With a DAC only device like the Bel Canto, as a first step, if I were you, I would consider using a computer or laptop as the source to the DAC via USB interface.

Another inexpensive option,if you already have a computer that can function as a music server and a Wifi LAN in your home would be to get a Roku Soundbridge (under $200), connect that to the LAN and use the computer as the music server. Take a look at my system for an example of this.

Total cost for a suitable laptop, wireless router, and Roku SOundbridge as a source for the DAC would probably be under $1000 if starting from scratch. This can offer top notch sound and the computer/laptop can be utilized for other common tasks as well while you listen.
I had both units in my second system in early 2008 and my experience matches what has already been stated above. Both units are exceptional and it gets down to personal preference. If you can find a used DAC3, then I would go with that unit.
I'm mostly interested in analog inputs in the DAC's so I can have a passive preamp as an alternative to my tube preamp without spending more money. While I'm pretty happy with my Odyssey Candela tube pre, it doesn't sound quite as good for some genres such as classical. I actually found an explanation for how to add a digital out to a cd player: although I'm not sure how reliable the instructions are because I have little technical knowledge..

As far as a music server goes, I only have one system so I just figured I'd connect my desktop to the DAC via USB. Is there a reason why I'd want a dedicated music server as opposed to a desktop?
The music server is a software program that can run in the background on a newer, faster desktop PC or laptop with sufficient disk storage as well. A beefier dedicated server computer is not necessarily required these days.

You can connect via USB or wireless LAN. USB requires close proximity for a physical wire connection. With LAN or wireless LAN, the music server device can be located anywhere in the house that the wireless router can reach.