Oversampling DAC Vs. Non Oversampling?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of oversampling vs. non oversampling DACS? I have a Squeezebox 3 and I love it, but I want to buy a DAC and I am not sure which to buy. I listen to Internet radio on the Squeezebox most of the time, which is usually around 128 KBPS and sounds good. However, I want to use the DAC for two-channel home theatre as well, and I will route the DVD through the DAC via a digital cable to listen to music from time to time. What to do? Thanks!!
When I finally get around to routing music from my G5 Mac I will definitely use the NOS DAC I am using now for two channel. On my system it has kicked ass on all OS DACs, including a modright SACD DAC, that it was put up against.

That was my old NOS DAC. I have upgraded since.
I wouldn't worry about oversampling or not.

I'd chose the DAC based on accounts of how it actually sounds and how the sound will mesh with the rest of your system, not make oversampling or no a determining factor. Each DAC will sound different and some better than others like most things on any particular system.

Check other threads here on A'gon for some useful information about different DACs and how they sound compared to others.
There are DACs.

There are two subcategory of DACs. Digital filtered, or not.

Under the digital filtered category there are hundreds of DACs to try, and each will sound different than each other to varying degrees.

The DACs that do not have a digital filter chip are few in number. They sound significantly different from all OS DACs.

Try to find some non-oversampling DAC to try against any OS DACs you may lay hands on.