Yamamoto YDA 01 DAC

Is there any Agoner have this Yamamoto dac and could share his comments on how its sound?
The Yamamoto is an oversampling DAC and as I`ve stated in several posts during this thread it is really an excellent sounding DAC. It is very natural,dynamic, liquid yet with very good detail/resolution. The Metrum Octave Takes these attributes and raises(significantly) them is my suspicion.

Do you have a delivery date yet for the Metrum or are we still looking at about a month out or so?
I placed my order in early july and Cees said the wait time was 8-12 weeks. No specific date as of yet.I think they`re getting more orders than they anticipated.
Hi Charles,

It takes honesty and character to say a much less costly item is preferred over what you payed a large sum for and not make excuses

True, though it is all personal and very much dependent on the rest of the audio components used for the evaluation, especially when it comes to a digital front-end, don’t you agree?

We did some quick research; for those interested in some specifications, here is a datasheet link to the DAC chips used in the Metrum: DAC8580

Check out the distortions (THD) and compare to some older audio DAC chips such as TDA1541A, PCM1704 and AD1865 also used for NOS DACs. Not to talk about the fact that the DAC8580 used in the Metrum has a built-in Digital Low Pass Filter, OpAmp I/V converter and output sections.

Please don’t get me wrong; at EUR800, the Metrum is probably a very, very good value (price/performance) DAC, and without a doubt it will make many audiophiles who like this type of sound very happy, but to even try comparing it to the NWO-M is rather funny, IMHO!

Happy listening!

Alex Peychev
"It`s all personal", Alex, always has been and always will be.Of course not everyone will agree with Srajan`s conclusions, you can`t get audiophiles to agree on anything in an unanimous fashion, it is`nt going to happen. Pointing out measurements don`t impress me at all, they`re a ton of components the look great on paper yet sound can sound like total crap, no need going that route again.

Srajan owned the NWO-M and earlier this year and declared it the "best" digital playback he`d heard to that point(would you question his system or ears based on that?).
to this day he still admires the NWO-M and feels it`s one of the very best. Obvoiusly they`re qualities with the R/2R Metrum Octave that he found better(personal opinion).

Another thing, if one is`nt into trophy audio gear and judges instead on pure sonic criteria, there is much in high end audio that`s over priced. Conversely there`re many reasonably priced components that perform briliantly.

I`d would never use the price of an object alone to determine which is better if there`s the opprotunity to compare directly, which both he and is friend did in this case.
Best Regards,