Sonicweld or M2Tech hiFace usb to spdif converter

I'm diving into the PC audio arena and need a good interface between my PC and Esoteric D-03 DAC. I've looked at these and the Off Ramp by Emphiracle Audio.

Any suggestions on these?
I tried the M2Tech HiFace (stock) and it didn't last long in my system. All reports suggest that M2Tech HiFace Evo is greatly improved.

Have you considered trying Halide Design Bridge USB to SPDIF Converter? I am using one currently with my MacBook Pro and Bryston BDA-1 DAC with really terrific results. Highly recommended.
Hi Headshrinker2, I have not used any of the streamlength based gear. The Halide bridge does look nice but I own most of the Hrx collection thus I need 176.4khz capability. I have a EVO currently in for audition. It sounds very very nice.
I've missed a few things here due to some outside issues... but even some current experiements with the Hiface unit + Oyaide silver coax cable prove substantial rivals for some really heady competition just last week at a friends house.

he has Bel Canto mono amps, Canton Ref speakers, an Anthem D2 sig proc, and an Oracle CDP.

playing the Hiface & oaydie got the sound so close to the oracle as that amount was simply inconsequential.

using the Hiface with either tubes or SS I've had no issues what so ever with ground energies being introduced into the audio by clicks or otherwise, once I'm using anything even close to a good computer.

I can get mouse moving noise thru my Lynx AES16 Xpress card at times using J River 15.

All my driver woes were with JR 14. Using JR 15 things have settled down. See? If you bitch enough things get fixed... usually.

So what is this "audio diverter" gizmo?

And you don't mean the EVO now costs $2400, do you?

input would be greatly appreciated.
EVO is still $500, maybe a little less. Anyone ever tried a
reclocker on the clock input of EVO? The only noise that I
get is when going wireless Router instead of Ethernet cable Input to PC. The question is, Blindjim, which EVO
Drivers are you currently using with JR 15? Why doesn't
Media Monkey offer Wasapi, am I correct on that? Why is
HD Tracks stuck on Media Monkey?
The Diverter is another USB to SPDIF converter. It is $2880.00; I was saying that the Diverter is $2400.00 MORE thank the EVO. The EVO is still $500.00 :)