Should I mod my original MHDTParadisea or uprade

I have an a original MHDT Paradisea dac connected to a Mac Mini via Emprical Audio USB Off-Ramp. Recently I purchased a version 3 for a friend here on audiogon and highly anticipating its arrival so I can compare it to my original. I'm tempted to have my original dac modded or skip the whole process and get a version 3. Any suggestion.

I tried the WE 396 tube that was so highly acclaimed. I didn't like it at all, so I bought another one thinking there must be something wrong. I didn't like sample number 2 either. I far preferred the stock tube, which has me thinking I must have gotten 2 duds. I guess 2 bad tubes isn't such a long shot after all. Yet another reason to hate tubes.

I'm getting the Ultra fi Soundstream solid state DAC in here to try out, so hopefully it will sound far superior to the Paradisea and I won't have to have any tubes at all in my system again!

I've heard the UltraFi Soundstream and it is a EXCELLENT DAC. When I've heard it, it was connected to a Mac Mini using iTunes as the source. Truely outstanding digital playback in the systems I've heard.

I hope you enjoy it.

Yes I do mean tube rolling in the Paradisea. The Monica is a SS USB design. I am not saying that the Monica is all that great, but that the Paradisea didn't have the PRaT that the Monica had, although the Paradisea had a little more detail if I recall. FWIW, all of the tubes I tried were tested by a very finicky retailer (name with held) that has a very strong reputation in audio circles. The point I am trying to make is try as many tubes as you can. The "stock" one ranked about 3rd.
I'm currently using a WE 396a tube and pleasantly satisfied with the results. I will wait and see how the version 3 compares to the original. I'm also interested in getting a Havana as well but if the difference is marginal I will pass. As far as modding goes Stephen over at Quest for Sound can mod just about anything. He's my local dealer and simply a pleasure to deal with. I'll probably bring my dac to Stephen to do some tube rolling and see what he has to say about this little wander.

Thanks Guys.
