Should I mod my original MHDTParadisea or uprade

I have an a original MHDT Paradisea dac connected to a Mac Mini via Emprical Audio USB Off-Ramp. Recently I purchased a version 3 for a friend here on audiogon and highly anticipating its arrival so I can compare it to my original. I'm tempted to have my original dac modded or skip the whole process and get a version 3. Any suggestion.


I've heard the UltraFi Soundstream and it is a EXCELLENT DAC. When I've heard it, it was connected to a Mac Mini using iTunes as the source. Truely outstanding digital playback in the systems I've heard.

I hope you enjoy it.

Yes I do mean tube rolling in the Paradisea. The Monica is a SS USB design. I am not saying that the Monica is all that great, but that the Paradisea didn't have the PRaT that the Monica had, although the Paradisea had a little more detail if I recall. FWIW, all of the tubes I tried were tested by a very finicky retailer (name with held) that has a very strong reputation in audio circles. The point I am trying to make is try as many tubes as you can. The "stock" one ranked about 3rd.
I'm currently using a WE 396a tube and pleasantly satisfied with the results. I will wait and see how the version 3 compares to the original. I'm also interested in getting a Havana as well but if the difference is marginal I will pass. As far as modding goes Stephen over at Quest for Sound can mod just about anything. He's my local dealer and simply a pleasure to deal with. I'll probably bring my dac to Stephen to do some tube rolling and see what he has to say about this little wander.

Thanks Guys.
