Genesis 350 vs. Carver AL-III

I currently own a pair of Carver AL-III, my AL-III high frequency roll off above 18kHz and the low is not very good. I am thinking to buy a pair of Genesis 350 to replace to Carver in the next 2 to 3 month. However one of my friend told me both speaker ribbon drivers were identical, although I can't personally confirm that and if this is true, exactly how much difference am I going to get for my money?

Any input would be nice.

My room size is L=16ft W=14ft H=9ft and is use only for my 2 channel and home theater, I am now using all M&K for home theater and want to use the 350 for the two channel.

I underestand price difference is huge (Al-III $2000 and a good use 350 is $11000) one of my friend in Lake Tahoe own a pair of Genesis 1 and it is a totally different ball game, the G-1 totally kick ass and kill my al-III. However I don't have $100,000 for a G-1 and I believe the 350 is the next best thing.
After reading Mejames' comments, i would agree that any of the Genesis speakers would not work well here. For that matter, your existing installation could probably sound GOBS better by repositioning your speakers and applying some room treatments behind them. As such, i would work with what you have and look at your speaker / room interphase before investing any more money on gear. Any change in gear is going to be limited by the placement / loading / acoustics that you have to deal with as it is now. Sean
your room dimensions will not be sufficient for the Genesis 350 speakers I'd say I believe the Genesis V would be better for your room they are considerably smaller speakers they have excellent reviews.
This is very sad, my wife already approved the $$ to buy the 350 and after we listen to G-1 at my friend house, we are both in love with Genesis. I am not saying the Carver is a bad speaker, I am very happy with the al-3, I own it since 1995, but as Mejames stated "Genesis will absolutely murder the Carver in every sonic parameter period" May be building a extention to my house is the answer??
try to audition the Genesis V or similar model speakers they would work in your current room. Or add a room for the bigger Genesis you wouldn't regret it I'm sure.