Genesis 350 vs. Carver AL-III

I currently own a pair of Carver AL-III, my AL-III high frequency roll off above 18kHz and the low is not very good. I am thinking to buy a pair of Genesis 350 to replace to Carver in the next 2 to 3 month. However one of my friend told me both speaker ribbon drivers were identical, although I can't personally confirm that and if this is true, exactly how much difference am I going to get for my money?

Any input would be nice.

your room dimensions will not be sufficient for the Genesis 350 speakers I'd say I believe the Genesis V would be better for your room they are considerably smaller speakers they have excellent reviews.
This is very sad, my wife already approved the $$ to buy the 350 and after we listen to G-1 at my friend house, we are both in love with Genesis. I am not saying the Carver is a bad speaker, I am very happy with the al-3, I own it since 1995, but as Mejames stated "Genesis will absolutely murder the Carver in every sonic parameter period" May be building a extention to my house is the answer??
try to audition the Genesis V or similar model speakers they would work in your current room. Or add a room for the bigger Genesis you wouldn't regret it I'm sure.
Hi Mejames

I will take your advice and try audition the Genesis V, I suppost I can find a G5 in San Francisco. However I love the sond of the ribbons, you can tell by I own the al-3 for almost 10 years, last night I put in [Andy Williams - The Moon River Collection HDCD 24bit/96KHz] in my Shanling player, close my eyes, turn off the light and it sonds like Andy Williams is standing and singing in front of me.

Me and my wife already plant to add a extention to the house since January, two floors, 400 sqft (25' x 16') each floor, two new bedrooms in the upper floor and a in-law in the first floor. I suppost I can somehow add a room big enough for the 350. I already send a email to Genesis for the min room size requirement for the 350 and hope everything will work-out.

May be the G5 will be more than sufficient or may be I am ways over my head?
Either the G350's, the Genesis V's the 500's or the 501's would work well in your room. I actually have put G 2's in a room with similar dimensions as well as G201's and they sound spectacular. I also have had the G 2.5's in a room that size which are a bit larger in width then the 350's. Genesis speakers can be set up to work in just about any room configuration. Of course the better the room the easier it is. Also in smaller rooms, as good as these speakers sound, a bigger room would make them sound even better. If you were to choose to go with the 350's or the 350se you would not be disappointed. Keep in mind, if you are using this room for home theater your viewing would be limited for guests. If you went with a new pair of 501's I know you would be better off then a used pair of 350's. It would be a better buy knowing that the technology in the new products are far superior then that of the old, and in my opinion sound much better. The new 501's in your room would knock your socks off. I know this, because I currently have a pair in my room. Dimensions L20' X W14' X H10'