OPPO 83 and Benchmark DAC 1

Anyone has used Benchmark DAC 1 with OPPO Bluray 83? Kindly share your opinions if they are good match on audio. thanks!
Mjcmt...i see your logic but the alternative way to look at it is that many audiophiles will look at the Oppo BDP83 as a universal player with much of the audio formats (not only CD, but SACD and DVD-A)in high use. If you are going to use the BDP83 primarily as a video/Bluray player than you are right, there is no point modding the Oppo. But if you are going to use it as an audio universal player (with video/Bluray as a bonus feature)than the justification of spending the extra dollars makes sense. As the thread above chronicles, if you are in the camp that thinks the Oppo BDP83's weak link is its DAC chip set, than you can keep it as is, and use it as a universal transport running thru your DAC of choice. If, like me, you think that the issue is not in its audio/video conversion chip sets but in its 2- and 5-channel analog output stage, than you spend ~$1K to mod the output stage and for $1500 you have an audiophile universal standalone player. Either way, for not much much money (by audiophile standards :-)), i think the Oppo BDP83 delivers a lot of value for the $s spent and that is a nice thing in this expensive hobby of ours.
If 2 channel sacd/cd performance is your goal why not get a used Sony 9000es for pannies on the dollar and mod this unit. You will spend less and have one of the best players regardless of cost. Stock it already has a fantastic transport, killer power supply w/ dual r-core transformers, and superior chassis.

Ron, Cmalak ...

It's still at MW for ~1.5 months now so can't tell you yet. I'll post a review once I get it back.

Luckily he is behind ... Last wknd Dan start offering a XLR mod where he replaces the stereo RCA with XLR. All I have is XLR IC ... so I contacted him in adding the XLR option.

It's tough to run a small business so I understand the delay.
In my system, I feel redbook on the OPPO 981 DAC OUT's are somewhat flat and lackluster compared to the other optional OUTS. I have it connected to a Proceed AVP2+6 and matching AMP5. It's connected by L/R analog outs, one large coax digital out, optical out, and multi-channel out. Speakers are set for a very flat reproduction.

To evaluate redbook CD's, the front CD button of the Proceed can change from the 981's DAC's only, or coax or optical out like A/B/C ing components together. For redbook CD's, transport duty with the single coax digital out sounds best using the Procced DAC's alone. Rarely, the optical out or analog DAC's out sound better. These were mostly poorer quality redbooks that became muffled by the OPPO DAC's or optical OUT and possibly covered up some recording quality errors.

The 981's SACD sounds very clear and balanced through multi-channel connections. All digital recordings through coax sound sound great except the worst digital recordings and their associated noises. HDCD's, DVD-A, and DTS all sound great.

To test the OPPO's analog DAC's, the Proceed was set to "analog-through" mode - sub and all crossovers deactivated.

The sound quality from 5.1 multi-channel, HDCD, DVD-A and DTS is exceptional.

HDMI video out directly to a 60" Sony 1080i LCD is great.

As a multi-format digital audio player, it's very exceptional for the price. The newer BR player looks promising - for now, I believe I may be limited with a 1080i display.