Why CD players so expensive when the fomat is dead

Please explain to me why CD players are still so expensive, considering even the giant Wal-mart has announced they will stop CD sales due to lack of $$ support..It cant be supply and demand!
To add -

When was the last time MTV played music? "Music Television" used to be a huge driving force for mainstream music sales. It wa argued that MTV made Michael Jackson.

Where are the mojority of people getting their exposure to new music from? Radio stations are being hit pretty hard by the economic times. I live in the Metro NYC area. There's only about 3 radio stations I can tolerate anymore. Just about all of them that are in English play the same dozen songs over and over again, in between what it seems like more commercial time than music playing time.
I think the thing killing albums is simply competition. There are so many things competing for peoples leisure time these days, you have to have a very good album to warrant the time spent getting something out of it. Instant gratification man! I can download most any song on a whim these days, put it on my music server and listen to it as aI please along with everything else there. I listen a lot to my collection with the cuts randomly queued up on music server, 1 by 1, a lot these days. What a great way to discover new gems that might otherwise be overlooked. occasionally, I will still que up a CD in original track order or play a record (not many options there).
03-19-10: Kbarkamian

When was the last time MTV played music?

Never. Video killed the radio star.

I do agree with your premise that our society has become to ADHD to buy a cd for the whole work of the artist. Multi-tasking has ruined many forms of relaxation, including listening to music. Maybe if the cd ran a ticker on the bottom with headline news, scores or stock numbers folks would still buy them. ;D

An interesting angle to look at this from is to compare what's happening here in the USA vs. the rest of the world. While I realize the demise of interest in music AND Audio equipment is worldwide, I actually think it's much worse in the states than elsewhere. We always lead, we lead on the way up, and we lead on the way down! I think that general music appreciation is higher, more varied, and less rigid in the Orient and Europe. Don't know if this can or will lead to the salvation of the industries (music and audio gear), but I've always been a glass half-full kinda guy;)
What serious music lover relies on the radio for music exposure? Give me a break. The tired excuse of "they don't make good music anymore" was (of course) thrown out just before that.