
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
Wig prefers the Berkeley DAC to the Ayon CD2 in his system after comparing both, why is that so hard to except? You would prefer otherwise, that`s your call to make. You seem to be personally offended.
In his subjective opinion he likes the Berkley better than his Ayon cd2.How does that make him a "pinhead"?
What is the title of the book you co-authored, a book regarding the " mental health status of Canadians" as you previously claimed( in a now deleted thread).
I am dying to know the exact title that I may read it.
Jimphd14, why insult everyone who doesn't worship Ayon? I doubt you have heard the Berkeley DAC, which is a very expensive and well-regarded digital component. I also doubt you owned the AMR-77, the Meridian 808.3, the Perfect Wave stack, or BAT amps, as you have claimed in your 10 other Audiogon posts, which were all devoted solely to touting Ayon digital components and amps or insulting Audiogon members who don't agree with your Ayon endorsements uber alles.

I can only surmise that you have some undisclosed financial interest in Ayon. If so, disinformation and insults are a lousy way to protect your interests.
Yep, I love my Ayon gear. I would read the Absolute Sound March 2011 issue about Ayon. That says it all.
Obviously you have a vested interest in Ayon.You have been calling people "pinheads", nuts(anyone who has even the slightest criticism of an Ayon product) etc and claiming to have owned gear XYZ, claiming to have authored books on the subject " the mental health status of Canadians". That was also in another thread which was pointing out Ayon is NOT made in Austria but ONLY ASSEMBLED in Austria, leading many to believe AYON is MADE IN CHINA( at least mostly).Only final assemble takes place in Austria,like setting the already fully manufactured circuit boards into the case.Funny how that entire thread was deleted.
The stuff does seem priced a little high for being MADE IN CHINA( final assembly in Austria).

Bottom line is this.
Jim you have been unmasked and no one believes your stories anymore because that is all they are.Now run back to Ayon because you obviously don't have any objectivity or credibility at this point.