dcs Purcell upsampler/Delius DAC interface

I need some help! I am using my upsampler, fed by an iMac computer, to upsample my CDs to DSD. The sound is sublime, definitely better than upsampling to 192k. Yet, I keep getting a message on the delius dac of "no wordclock". Can some saavy dcs person tell me what I have done wrong. I have worked with the factory and have had some success in getting the upsampling to DSD to work but not the clock.

Help! and Thanks!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark
To be able to help I need more information.

How are you getting digital from the imac to the upsampler? Are you using optical?

What are you using as a master clock and how do you have your DAC set ie slave sync etc?
Chadeffect - I run the signal out from the USB port of the computer into an coverter box that allows me to send the signal to the upsampler with a AES cable. The upsampler is connected to the delius dac with a firewire cable. It is my understanding that there is a masterclock in the purcell upsampler??

Thanks for your help.

Jay - Assume you've downloaded the relevant manuals from the dCS support page, if not worth doing:


Given your configuration I'd make sure you were piped up according to PAGE 14 of the SCARLATTI UPSAMPLER manual (Yes...scarlatti....the Delius/Purcell manuals predate your type of setup)

You will need to set the Delius to act in Master mode, cf: the Delius manual on how to do this. This should push the Purcell to slave.