New Apple TV -- Anyone planning on it?

I went ahead and ordered the new Apple TV. It is $99 and I will use it somewhere in the house. But I am seriously thinking about coupling it with a decent DAC and using it to stream all of my iTunes content. My system includes Martin Logan Summit speakers, Jeff Rowland amp, BAT pre amp. Any comments on whether this is a good idea?
I just got an Apple TV ver 2, and connected it to my PS Audio III DAC, feeding a Pass Aleph P pre-amp, Krell FPB 200 into Martin Logan ReQuests. My testing so far shows no difference in sound quality, as long as I import my CD's as wave files. There is a difference in spacial quailities between Apple Lossless, and wave files.

The convienence is incredible, and I just got a 1 TB drive to import my 900+ CD's into iTunes.

Brave Apple!
Interesting, Edavis. I've tried WAV and Apple Lossless on several CDs and didn't hear a difference on my ATV gen 1. Not doubting what you're hearing, just stating what I've heard (or haven't heard) on my system.
Everyone's ears and systems are different, Kbarkamian. That's why I reported what I did. The difference is suttle, but I could hear it. Electrostatic speakers are quite revealing, and they will provide their opinion on all your components and the quality of the music sources too.

You can fit quite a few CD's on a 1TB drive, so I put them on as wave files. My system has very high resolution, and I still have good ears.

Just reporting my findings......
I think WAV is 60% larger than Apple Lossless. Don't hold me to that exact number.


Thanks for not taking my findings as an attack. I've seen too many people get worked up over stuff like that. All we can do is report our own findings. Speaking of which...

I re-ripped several tracks as WAV and Apple Lossless, and 320 Kbps mp3 just to keep things interesting. mp3 was flat, undynamic, and congested, as expected.

I couldn't hear any difference between WAV and Apple Lossless. My system consists of a Bryston B60 integrated, Audio Physic Yara Evolution bookshelves, Apple TV gen 1, and 2 DACs - Theta Cobalt and the new Rega DAC. None of this stuff is the last word in anything, but it's very revealing and honest. The Theta DAC is very detailed and is great at imaging and soundstaging vs the Rega DAC. The Rega DAC beats it in pretty much every other way though. I'm 34 with what I'm told is pretty good hearing.

I'm not saying if I don't hear a difference, no one does. I hate it when people have that mentality. Just reporting my recent re-evaluation and results.