Esoteric Digital Separates

Happy Holidays!

I've been giving some thought to my digital front end and am wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to compare any of the Esoteric single box players with their two box separates. I'm currently using an X-03SE which I love--great sonics and build quality--and am wondering what happens when you go to separates like the P05/D05 or P03/D03 combination. I don't want a change in sound character just more and better of what I'm getting with the X-03SE.

Thanks and enjoy.
Dodgealum, haven't owned any Esoterics but I came very close. Anyway, if you're not aware of this site, the page linked below should provide some useful feedback on your question:
I own the P-03U/D-03 combo and can tell you that I've never heard anything like it in terms of the level of accuracy, musicality and enjoyment that it produces. I moved up to this combo from the UX-1 Limited (which I enjoyed very much) and experienced the same type of large leap in every major category that is referred to in the article that Foster_9 mentions above. It is worth nothing that the P-05/D-05 are a worthy combination to be sure; I've know 2 people who have owned that stack. The 03 level is just 'more' and 'right' in every category. The 01 series represents 'nirvana' of course but one must win the lottery to think about that investment. Interestingly enough, Esoteric has introduced a SOTA 1-box unit combining the same fanatical dual-mono DAC design and over-built nature as is in the P-01/D01 and P-03/D-03 offerings; they call it the K-01. I would truly love to hear that unit some day just to compare my current results with their latest and greatest...
Thanks, Foster 9. Very interesting comparison represented in that piece. Zephyr, since you have the clock, what do you think would be the wiser upgrade path--adding a G-03X clock to my X-03SE or going with a P-05/D-05 or P-03/D-03 combination without the external clock? Also, can the new tandem machines be used a la "set it and forget it"? I'm not much for fiddling around with various decoding schemes and would rather have the machine simply decide on the conversion and playback settings that will yield the best sound.

Sidenote: How do you like those Legacy Focus SE's? Some have compared them to my Daedalus DA-1.1's.
Dodgealum, I also have the P03 D03 G0s combo. Adding a G03x clock to the X03Se will make no audible difference that you will be able to hear. I have tried the G0s clock with the X01 limited player in a previous system of mine and in my dealers system as well - in both cases I could not hear a improvement. There is no doubt that moving to the P03 D03 will be a substantial improvement from your X03SE (with or without an external clock). I have not heard the P05/D05 combo so I cannot comment on that. If you do go the P03 D03 route, then at some point, adding a G0s or G0rb clock will make a nice audible improvement (not earth shattering, but a worthwhile improvement). The P03/D03 combo is a set it and forget it combo - the only real decision for you to make is whether you want redbook upsampled or not - and if so, to either 2x (88.2) 4x (176.4) or to DSD. Once you decide that by listening, you set it that way and it does the same thing everytime. Some people like upsampling others don't - its really your preference for your ears in your system.