(My apologies for the splayed nature of my posts on the Minimax DAC lately; I used a new thread here to get the most attention as I feel there is important new information that potential buyers/Opamp rollers need to see)

The testing and writing up of the Opamp rolling article was a large project and it has been called to my attention that I made an error in my indications of the U1/U2 and U6/U7 locations by color.

I have revised the article to be corrected and I believe once reworked will be accurate. I appreciate Mfsoa's (Audiogon member's moniker)heads up on this.

I also have been made aware by Bill at Morningstar Audio that a thread on the Audio Circles discusses the potential danger of swapping the positions of the Opamps. I will include the thread below. I would not wish for anyone to encounter issues with the unit. It seems as though the most urgent warning is to those who have already modded Minimax DACs, that they do NOT switch the positions of the Opamps. I performed all Opamp rolling on a stock unit. Given this new information I would urge that this warning be heeded by those with modded units.

With this in mind it is all the more clear that one conducts these experiments at their own risk.

If there is concern over experimenting with reversed placement of the Opamps, it should be kept in mind that the favored pairings can be used in their normal locations successfully. Here are a couple more options in which the Opamps are in the proper locations:

U1/U2 OPA827 (dual) and U6/U7 OPA827 (single)
In my notes I had this as one of my "finalists"
The distinction between the absolute best pairings became very small
at the end. This pairing would likely find wide acceptance in many

U/1U2 AD8620ARD (dual) and U6/U7 LME4990 (single)
This Analogue Devices chip may be worth checking out with other Opamps
in the U6/U7 position. If I had not been sent the (unavailable currently from Cimmaron) OPA2604 I might have used this combination as my reference.

My apologies for any confusion and much thanks to those well versed in the use of Opamps to help identify potential issues and ensure the article is clear!
Hi Doug,
I urged you via email to correct a fatal flaw in your article, yet you chose not to address it in the least in your revision.

As far as I understand, when the tube output is selected, you are listening ONLY to the op-amps in the U1/2 positions. You are NOT listening to the op-amps in the U6/7 position. When the SS output is used, you are listening to ALL 4 op-amps. Obviously this distinction must be made very clearly for each description of the sound coming from the unit.

Therefore, unless you tell the reader whether each and every evaluation was performed with either the tube or SS outputs, the reader does not know which op-amps you were actually using. Obviously, since the reader does not know which op-amps are being used, any description of the sound quality obtained is completely meaningless.

You say that "Because of what is to my ear a more pleasing tonality I have tended to use the tube output the most" If this is the case, why do you then go on to desribe the sound of sets of ALL 4 op-amps, two of which are not even being used? Or, maybe you were referring to the SS output, in which case you actually were using all of the op-amps you mention.

The reader doesn't know, because you don't say

Again, this renders any discussion of sound quality meaningless since we don't know what op-amps you were actually listening to.

It is just as meaningful as saying that you have two preamps and three amps in for review and then describing the sound quality without telling the reader which pieces are being used!

I don't know how to be any clearer that the current article says absolutely nothing about about how particular op-amps sound unless you tell us which op-amps were in use!

You can fix this easily, by making two tables - One that lists the op-amps in U1/2, which were evaluated by the tube output. The second table will list the op-amps in both the U1/2 positions and the U6/7 positions, which were evaluated via the SS output.

I think as a reviewer you would like the reader to know what is being reviewed. Such is currently not the case.

Best of luck to you. I hope that the article can be revised once again so that you let can the reader know which op-amps were being used in your listening tests.

Mike, perhaps it was not clear that I tried to indicate in the article the tube output would be the standard in testing. I felt the tube output was overall preferred and that readers would be most interested in it. I would comment upon SS output when I felt it was meritorious.

I realize that the article does not show a comprehensive analysis of all permutations of the Opamps, prices etc. as I state in the article, "Considering Opamps, tubes, solid state or tube output, and the volume setting dozens upon dozens of variations are possible, and you can appreciate that I’m not paid to run a lab." Considering that this was an unsolicited article, one I pursued on my own initiative as a service to the community to raise awareness of the activity of Opamp rolling, I secured some Opamps and tested them to see if Opamps make a difference - if that was not good enough, my apologies. If it is helpful, I found in general that the distinction between any given set of Opamps operated in SS/Tube output was less dramatic than comparing entirely different sets of Opamps.

I put in between 35-40 hours of communication with suppliers and manufacturer, setting up systems, testing Opamps and writing/editing. The goal was to introduce Opamp rolling and weigh its efficacy, nothing more. I am disappointed that not one individual from the professional or amateur DIY/Mod community contacted me to warn me of the potential danger of suggesting reversed Opamps. The heads up came from Bill O'Connell of Morningstar, the distributor, and I'm grateful for it.

I have learned information about the situation which has left a negative conclusion in my mind about the incident, but I do not wish to discuss it publicly.

I am finished with the topic. People can make of it as they wish.
Where are you finding this op amp or other choices. I've some but am curious as to which site you are referring to. Thanks.
One more question, what do the other letters like AU or AP etc mean at the end of the op amp number? Are any of these 2604s good for the minimax?