Is it possible to transform the EMM CDSA SE?

2-box and 1-box versions of EMM's CD players -- not the X upgrade or the XDS1 -- have been variously described as "flat" and "2-dimensional" in forum postings. Is it possible to defy these characterizations and elevate the EMM to the world of amazing 3D sound? Let's share our knowledge and experience -- to make EMM a better sonic world.

I sold the CDSA-SE but also had the XDS-1 for a while to do A/B. I now own the PD MPS-5.

I also have the SR Galileo speaker cells but cannot decide to keep them or not because you loose something for something. The SR ART system is a must... I have 2 bass stations from the ART and a extra set of the Basik ART system which brought out even more performance.

Try the SR Powercell 10SE MK-2 first before buying the Nordost Quantum as I've upgraded from the 10-SE and it's so so much better.

All I'm saying is that as great as the CDSA-SE is, the XDS-1 is clearly superior even with all the tweeks I've done and giving it great electricity juice and cables.

My MPS-5 well is another story.

Hope this helps.
Flashunlock, Thanks for all the info. You mention "you loose something for something." Please let me know more about the SR Galileo speaker cells. I'd also be interested in hearing your impressions of the MPS-5.

I have a highly resolving system. The SR speaker cells do a great job in adding a further 3D effect especially with vocals but compared to my true bi wairing set up, it ever so slightly looses speed,timing and dynamics with faster music like acoustic guitars. Having said that, the SR speaker cells is a step up if your speaker cables are lets say not up there with the best. Also the different MPC used will give you different presentations in the sound. You have to try them to do your own personal evaluation.

Finally, to keep it short, the PD MPS-5 is so good that it has stopped me from owning a XDS-1.

Flashunlock, Thanks very much for all the info. I'm very interested in reading your impressions since I do not have the opportunity to audition equipment. I have to put my system together using my audio imagination only. Please let me know what difference you think the Nordost Quantum Qx4 might make. Thanks, in advance.

I have not auditioned the Nordost quantum so cannot comment. I have owned some of the best mains regenerators, passive filters etc and am very happy with the SR 10-SE Mk-2 and found it sounding the best in my system.