Cd player w/ digital input + volume control $2500


I'm looking for a CD player with digital input capability and also variable output (volume control). My goal would be to run directly into an amp as it will be the only source component in my system.

I have 1200 or so CD's so I need a player, but I also want to feed from a Sonos, hence the digital input.

I used to have a Cary 303/300 and really liked the sound from it, but it does not have the digital input unfortunately, if I recall correctly.

I figure if I can forego the preamp, I can justify going as high as $3000 for the unit. Used would be OK if it is a reliable product.

So, I'm looking for recommendations on a device in the same quality as the 303/300 or better that meets these requirements.

If there are none that will satisfy my preferences, I'll probably drop the variable output in favor of going to a preamp. The digital inputs must be available, however.

Any recommendations? It looks like none of the Current Cary products will meet these requirements. Darn, I wish the 303/300 had digital inputs.


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I will econd the Audiolab 820CDQ. It is a terrific sounding unit, has several digital inputs (RCA & Tos), 24/96 USB input, reclocker and variabke outs.

In terms of sonics, it is somehow similar to RA Opus21 GNSC and offers listenability over ultimate resolution. It is a bargain at $1400.
I say rather than agonize just get something cheaper like the Havana just to see how good sub 1k DACs can sound. I would much rather put a bigger chunk of the budget towards amplification. In my experience the amp dollars do more than the DAC dollars. You won't get hurt to bad on trying a used DAC and if you get the Havana you'll prob just end up staying with it anyway or at least you'll find out for yourself that there is not to much difference between it and DACs costing a lot more if you do move up
I decided to purchase a Metrum Octave, as the current exchange rate is a little more favorable.

If I don't like it, I'll sell it, I guess, but by all accounts, it may match what I want/need in a DAC.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Now, on to preamp decisions...

Michael...congrats on your purchase of the Metrum Octave DAC. It certainly has gotten a lot of positive buzz at and various audio forums. Please let us know your impressions once it is settled in.