Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?

Most of the erudite and precise contributions to this forum concerning the Logitech Squeezebox have made me think I should just go right out and buy one. Over at the forum on Logitech's own website the users complain of one malfunction after another: sound drop-out, unplayable files, album cover mix-up, firmware updates that seem to cause more trouble than solve problems, and many more. Comments?
Is Squeezebox Touch being discontinued? Should I wait for the "new and improved" version? Or should I snatch one up before they are all gone?
Is Squeezebox Touch being discontinued? Should I wait for the "new and improved" version? Or should I snatch one up before they are all gone?

I'd snatch it up -- I think they are a great player.

Here's a couple of idle thoughts. First, I doubt that Logitech has anything new in the works. While there are changes in an updated model that would make the "audiophile" crowd happy, I don't think that's where Logitech's business model lies. I suspect one would see a lower priced model to compete with Roku and the likes long before they come out with a fancier one.

Second, my continued use of the Touch is not dependent on Logitech keeping them in production. They can kill the product tomorrow and I will be able to keep listening to music for years to come.

Third, the important part is the music collection. If my Touch fails and isn't replaceable, I'm free to move to any of the other computer playback options. A bit of replacement hardware and a new software program, and I'm back in business.

In short, I look at the Touch as a "can't lose" product. No matter what Logitech does or doesn't do, I will have access to my music collection.
I wonder if I get a warranty on it if purchased outside of Logitech, like Amazon or CircuitCity (thought they are done...).
Well, I went and ordered one along with some power supply...will be curious if it beats a Duet I'm borrowing from a friend.
Logitech pulled the plug on Squeezebox products today. Their new product is a "Smart Radio". Very similar to the SB radio, but uses a new web based server. No replacement at this time for the Touch. Supposedly current users will still be supported for a while. There's multiple threads at the slimdevices forums. Too bad, I just started using a Touch last month.