Opting for no CDP -- only to regret it?

Anyone else find that this happened? I've got all my CDs on a hard drive in a lossless format, and was happily accessing it all via my Squeezebox Touch playing through an outboard DAC. At other times, I was spinning vinyl records, grooving to the tunes the old-fashioned way. Sold one CDP. Then another. Finally, my third and last. Which is just fine, most of the time.
Except when I get a new CD and just want to listen to it. Having to rip it first sometimes feels like so much damn fuss. Or when I feel I'm not exactly getting all I might from some of my favorite HDCDs. Wish then I could just pop one of Neil Young's Archives discs into an appropriate player.
Anyone else venture down the road without a CD player only to turn back and get one again? Anyone else have occasional regrets but just decided to accept the new, CDP-free world?
-- Howard
I've gone to an Apple TV Gen 1. Thought I would miss having a CDP, so I kept my XBox (mainly used as a DVD player) in the system. Haven't used it as a transport yet. It's been about 2 1/2 years.

I do understand the itch to hear that new CD ASAP. I don't and could never wait to get home - they always play in the car on the way!
Why not have both? Olive and Naim offer players with both a transport for a quick play and an internal hard drive to rip your CD to. So far, pretty good reviews in the audio press. There is also the new Memory Player MP64 from Nova Physics which uses flash memory for playback.
I just use digital out off my DVD player and send it to my DAC for the times I just want to pop in a CD. Most of the time I play it off my computer, ripping it first.
Recently I added a sony cdp cx355 changer which stacks 300 cd's. Works and sounds great in my office system. Since these can be 'chanined' I'll look for another so I can move up to 600 cds. I do have stuff ripped to mp3 for my portable player, but see no reason to move up to a computer based player. I have three other stand along cd/sacd players which use in other systems.