Experiences with SlimDevices Squeezebox.

I've been using this to stream AIFF and WAV files into my 2 channel system with excellent results. Is anybody else using one of these?

I'm still loving my waveterminal. I was working through all of the network issues, pop and click issues, network slowdown issues, build quality issues.......and....well, I'm happy as a lark with my Waveterminal. If you don't mind a wired solution, all of these problems will disappear. The waveterminal works perfectly. And I haven't even started up the Waveterminal upgrade path yet.

If you continue with Squeezebox, you probably should find a way to use an external linear 5V power supply as oppossed to the the supplied wall wart. I ran my Sqeezebox of an external B&K Linear that I'm using to power other gear...and there was a definite improvement.

Incidentally, I copied my iTunes music folder to an external 250GB Lacie drive. Works great and saves your primary harddrive.

Good luck,
Don't know how long they will last but I found a unit for $139 this morning which is about $100 under everyone else on the net


ordered mine already

You better check to make sure it is a U24. It says U2A even though the picture is the U24. Make sure it's not an older discontinued model. If it is a U24 that is one AWESOME deal.

It looks like the real deal to me. But sadly they will not ship internationally (unless you count Canada), so I miss out.
Ckorody emailed me and informed me that the company that had the great price on the U24 was totally bogus. First of all, it was a U2A which has been discontinued. Second, they don't even sell that one either. Deals that are too good to be true...are generally false!!!
