The best "no fuss" turntable for $5K or less?

I am wanting to replace my LP12 Valhalla/Ittok with a less fussy, more "set it and forget it" deck. I live in an area of the country that is a audio wasteland. There are no dealers to set up or tune up a sensitive table like the Linn. I will spend up to Super Scoutmaster money. I am interested in all suggestions.
I agree my Rega P9 was easy to set up and use but I found that my Galibier Gavia was just as easy with highly improved sound. If your budget is 5K with arm and cart.Galibier is introducing a deck which will sell for around 2500. plus arm and cart. I believe that this may be an excellent value and a giant killer at that price.
The bonus is that Thom Mackris is fantastic to work with.
I had bad luck fusswise with a Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm combo, fwiw. Instructions supplied were the worst I've ever seen and typical tweaking with the arm drove me insane. Did like the looks and sound and would probably heve been happy with someone else's arm tho. Good luck! Oh, ps, bought an Aries/JMW10, sound is a wash but has been set it and forget it to date and the manual is world class. YMMV.