Analog vs. CDP: A fair comparison?

Ok, in summary, I'm planning on selling my Cary 303/300 and taking the funds and buying a TT rig including Table, Arm & Cartridge. I'll worry about the phono stage, record cleaning machine, etc. later.

Assuming I get $2,500 from the CDP, will I be able to get a used rig that will at least match the sound quality? Assume also that I will have a phono stage budget of $1,000.

Rest of the system if Cary 300SEI.

Is this a fair comparison? Or, will the sound just be different (i.e. tubes vs ss).

thanx much
I have been reading this tread with great interest. I too am posed with the same digital/analogue quandary. I have a main system which has taken me 6 years to get where I wanted it. Now completed I just could not stop myself, so hence was born a second system, I call system Jr. My main system is all digital/solid state Wadia/Meridian with full range Aerial Acoustics model 9 speakers. Very happy with that system. On system Jr. I wanted a different direction. I went with Revel Gem monitors, Cary Audio tube intergraded and for now A Rotel CD player. I went to replace the Rotel with something more commensurate with the rest of the system when a turntable was recommended to me instead, A VPI Scout. I love everything about this hobby, including the intimacy with the hardware/software but I am concerned about a $3K plus investment in analogue when I know digital can sound good. I have about 150 LPs in perfect shape I put away 25 years ago. Any suggestions? Bill

In one sense there is no reason to "worry" about a $3K investment in analogue. Vinyl repays significant investments much more convincingly than digital.

But the flip side is also true. Unless you're a skilled DIY-er, vinyl needs more put into it than digital. There are few if any upward spending limits and the temptation to take it further is always there, simply because experience quickly teaches you that the paybacks will be real. Three years ago we questioned our sanity before dropping $6K on our first high end rig. We've since tripled that investment and more. The sonic results surpass digital at any price, but of course the sanity question remains unresolved.

I'd suggest visiting a friend or dealer who has a good quality vinyl setup. Play some familiar CD's to give yourself a feel for the system's character. Then try a few of your LP's. That might give you some sense of what the payoff might be.
Don't do it Bill! Don't listen to the Siren's Song! Contact me about those 150 LP's instead!

Vinyl sucks!
I agree with Doug in that the worry should be minimal. If anyone is especially worried about an audio investment the strategy should be to go used to minimize the potential loss if it doesn't work out. Vinyl is great - come on in - its a lot of fun.
this thread has kind of turned into the first and only thread i started a loonngggggggg time ago.about whether to get involved in vinyl with no record collection to speak pawlawski i am intrigued by the whole tweaking and trying scene of vinyl.pretty sure i am ready to take the plunge now and just plod along as i can afford things.unlikely i will give up on my digital stuff as sometimes i am sure it will be convenient to plug and play so to speak.cheers.