Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II

“For those who want the moon but can't afford it or those who can afford it but like to have fun and work with their hands, I'm willing to give out a recipe for a true high-end 'table which is easy to do, and fun to make as sky's the limit on design/creativity! The cost of materials, including 'table, is roughly $200 (depending, more or less), and add to that a Rega tonearm. The results are astonishing. I'll even tell/show you how to make chipboard look like marble and fool and impress all your friends. If there's interest I'll get on with this project, if not, I'll just continue making them in my basement. The next one I make will have a Corian top and have a zebra stripe pattern! Fun! Any takers?”

The Lead in “Da Thread” as posted by Johnnantais - 2-01-04

Let the saga continue. Sail on, oh ships of Lenco!
Thanks for the post, Mario. Mosin actually clears up a lot of my questions in the context of the paragraphs you quoted. Thanks also to Mosin.
Hello all. Not posted here for a while, but feel the need after enjoying the wonderful lack of logic and misunderstanding and resulting strange assertions that follow jean's posts. I'm not sure about "feces-slinging" (i hope he did say that somewhere) but am sure of:
"With all the negativities so far in this trip (relating to the Lenco, the trip itself a fabulous adventure), it's no surprise the Yahoos, baboons and hyenas on VA continue to sling mud and deny the evidence - as all good Yahoos do - of three years and more of Mighty Lenco success"
I love jean's writing style, and accept the sentiment i think its written in. Jean has never said he is the inventor of anything, more the discoverer. He is happy for others to have discovered before him, and would doubtless praise Mosin's stunning player with its lenco motor. If you are in doubt as to what jean meant by "discover" when there are obviously more than one meaning, then I suggest you do not jump to potentially embarressing conclusions, but ASK HIM. he is always honest, courtious and erudite in reply, both privately and publically, as far as I know from being involved in both threads from near the beginning. he has also had i think many venomous private emails for every public one, so his occasional loss of calm must be seen in this context.

To right off Jean and others implimentation of the lenco and say your modern expensive deck is so much better without seemingly having heard it is frankly laughable. It also misses jean's very point of making the lenco mods simple so many could try them. The fact that they have turned out so well is wonderful for all of us. All my audiophile friends (some with extraodinarily knowledge) still laugh at me re the lenco NOT HAVING HEARD IT. however, Jean is right to say that a highly regarded EMT owner has admitted his Lenco is better, and I remember clearly Albert Porter did say on the origional thread that the lenco pre direct coupling and heavier plinths was close to his Walker and in some respects bettered it, with an inferior arm and cartridge! My Lenco outsmarted my Garrard 401 (though Jean says for him they are too close to call) and he was very aware, as I remember, of people like Shindo in Japan doing similar things before he discovered them.

Now what jean does not like, as far as i can tell, is people having blind prejudice, and judging with no evidence. In this way, he says, they are ape-like. I see this, if anything, as a slur on our leaf-eating friends, who may indeed be more intelligent than certain members of the audiophile community when the word Lenco is breathed. I can kind of understand this because i have had rather large prejudices based on limited experience, and am still learning the value of synergy.

Furthermore, jean has tirelessly and generously shared all his discoveries in vintage gear, some of which i have followed and found him to be totally accurate on. The sony V-fets smoked my leak tl12+'s, and sell on ebay for $70-$80 still! the RB300 rewired with TWL's mod equalled my Origin Live Silver. The Denon 103 is used by some of the industry's giants, and suddenly he is in very good company saying for 3 years that vintage mm's can equal modern expensive mc's. Raul used to get a lot of flack too re his dislike of stepups for mc's, until he introduced his preamp and met many of this community's high fliers who found him, like jean, to be an enthusiastic, nice and extremely knowlegable person. Suddenly people realised he has a wealth of knowledge (and gear!). And what's he saying now - that for him vintage mm's equal expensive mc's. His thread is fascinating, and like jean, he has obviously put in huge amounts of time. Yes, the Empire mm at $70 is almost as good as the Allert (sorry for mispelling) and yes he does own the Allert (and many others).

So to end my longest ever rant, this has been from the beginning the friendliest and most welcoming long term thread that i have been part of, mostly because of jean and a few others. So please dont try and spoil it as some have with your misquotes, missunderstands, or judgements of him without experience of what he is talking obout or being willing to even try it. Dont be one of those people. take Jean in the good spirit he obviously tries to share, enjoy his journeys and take what you want from it. Isnt it so amazingly cool that a "lousy" deck that still goes in the UK for $100 can approach with head held high one of the most expensive decks ever made! Isnt hifi addictively nuts, and why have i got bids on 16 bits of kit on epay right now?

mosin, your deck is absolutely amazing, and thats just the photos!

Good luck with customs jean. I have been looking forward to seeing how Srajan gets on with you and the Lenco, specially as he soes not seem to be a turntable man at all so far. It would be a shame for everyone, and specially you with the expense and work in getting there if it didnt happen.
Thanks Gilbodavid. My sentiments entirely.
Jean has enhanced our audio experience in numerous ways.
(Seems it's the same folks posting negative, non-productive comments which would be more appropriate in a gossip column.)
GD, that pesky nail-head that was tripping folks up, has been well and truly hammered flush, nice post. :)

Well - my last post did what I hoped it would - kinda. It started up some late summer Lenco discussion, but then it went all pear-shaped....

OK, some guys need for other people to acknowledge their Lenco contributions - WE HAVE HEARD YOU! Jean is not the sole inventor... merely the popularizer :) Now it will be much nicer here in the future if we can all just leave off attacking Jean by means of seeking recognition for ourselves. I know, I know, I attacked Jean once myself and it is fun - but the redundancy of the attacks is becoming boring.

NOW - look at this link:

This Raul guy makes a super interesting post about vintage, top of the line MM carts and lesser known MC's from the past that challenge some of the best current MC's. This is a feather of sorts in someone's cap - not naming names:) Of course, someone has already signed onto that thread claiming overdue credit.

Just kidding

MIKE :0)