Dynavector XX-2

Anyone have or heard this Cart?.
How close does it come to the DRT XV-1S?.
I am waiting for my Voyd TT, Helius Omega and XX-2 to be set up by Tom Totay and I have an all Audio Note system.

the voyd audionote combo was always a good synergystic match
cartridges however are very much a personal choice
trust your own ears
if you like what you hear
just enjoy it
I like the XX-2 very much, but Uktel is right -- it's a very personal choice. The XX-2 is extremely dynamic and, I think, produces a true, natural sound. Tom Tutay is a great guy -- I bought a custom phono cable from him for my Linn TT and am very pleased with it.
I heard a shoot out between 5 different cartridges a few years ago. It was presented by Harry Weisfeld and it matched the Dynavector XV-1, Dynavector XX-2 and 3 other cartridges that I cannot remember (sorry).
What I do remember is that almost all in attendance agreed that the Dynavector XV-1 was the best of them all. However, in my mind (and ears) the XX-1 was close on it's heels and sounded quite similar. The node, however, went to the XV-1 for me also!