Dynavector XX-2

Anyone have or heard this Cart?.
How close does it come to the DRT XV-1S?.
I am waiting for my Voyd TT, Helius Omega and XX-2 to be set up by Tom Totay and I have an all Audio Note system.

Dear Audiofeil: " +++++ FWIW, regarding the frequency measurement argument simply disregard it as audiospeak rhetoric. Those graphs and charts are nice to look but you can't listen to them. I've heard speakers measuring 20-20K flat that aren't fit for car stereo. " +++++

Of course you can listen to them!!!! With the today high level performance audio devices that we can have almost what we are hearing ( other than good/bad design ) are differences on the frequency response that means inaccuracies of different kinds that create distortions/colorations in what we are hearing.

If you have a few cartridges: XV-1, Universe Allaerts MC2, Myaby 47, Lira Titan i, Colibri, etc, etc and you run a test for frequency response: 10Hz to 40kHz, where you can " see " on the paper the frequency deviations from " ruler flat " response for each cartridge through this test results you could explain and hear the small/big colorations/inaccuracies that belongs to each cartridge.

It will be very complex to run that kind of test because we need not only the cartridges but several tonearms ( we have to match for the same resonance frequency ), a top performance analog system and the precise instruments/records to make the measurements but of course that you could hear those measurements!!!!

Your example of speaker/car audio is the worst you could choose, with cartridges is different.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Sorry Raul. Nobody can hear charts and graphs. They're nice to look at and give us an idea what a product MIGHT sound like but basically they are USELESS.

Once again--- I've heard speakers that measure 20-20K on paper that sound horrible. So you go with the charts and graphs; I'll go with my ears.
Thank you.
Dear Audiofeil: Like you posted: you are not a technical/numbers man, in that way it is USELESS to talk with you about because of your non know-how.

Maybe next time.

Btw, I hear with my ears too, of course you can't understand this.

Regards and enjoy the music.
LOL but you don't need a technical background to know what sounds good.

I have never built or designed (non know-how in your words) an automobile but I know a quality car when I drive one.

Nice try.
Hi all,

Not much time for details as I'm sandwiching 4 turntable builds between a road trip and next week's RMAF.

Suffice it to say that the XV-1s justifies its stature at the top of the Dynavector food chain. I've had a couple of sessions with experienced listeners where we went through a range of cartridges - including the Universe, a Benz LP, an XV-1s, and an XX-2.

Tonearms were 3 Triplanars. I only have one Schröder Reference and I wanted repeatability as well as to be able to work on one cartridge setup while another one was playing.

Some in attendance were overly harsh toward the XX-2 in my opinion. I think this was due to expectations (can you say wishful thinking?) that it would be closer to the XV-1s.

Taken on its own, the XX-2 is a very nice cartridge. When you hear the XV-1s however, it's game over and the drool will be running down your chin.

I have yet to live with a Te Kaitora Rua, and am curious how close it comes to the big bad XV-1s.

Note to Rwd. I learned that last Saturday's system where you heard the XV-1s was loading the XV-1s at 470 ohms. The owner and I had a miscommunication and I thought he was loading it at 100.

In this day of security checks and such, it's much more onerous to travel with a soldering iron and tools - especially if you don't trust the baggage handlers.

On most every system I've dialed in the XV-1s, it' likes to see about 100. This accounts for the slightly "zingy" sound we heard last Saturday.

I've experienced some "hot" systems where I've loaded an XV-1s at 35 ohms, but 100 is the most frequent number I've hit.

Note about the XX-2 bass "speed". Play with your tracking force. Like the XV-1s and all other high performance cartridges, it responds to slight changes.

You'll benefit greatly from a digital scale with .01 gram accuracy. A .05 gram change can make all the difference in the world at this level of cartridge - from a sluggish presentation to live and "snappy".

Don't get a .05 gram accuracy scale because there's too much rounding error. The price for a .01 gram or better scale is only marginally more.

The scale that Dan_ed and others are using is very nice - something I consider absolutely necessary for a cartridge at this performance level.

Play with your loading too ...

BTW (to GMC) ... yes, XX-2 to Universe is not a fair comparison, but you already knew that.

Next week at the RMAF, we'll be running a double arm rig on a Stelvio:

* Schröder Reference SQ / Universe
* Triplanar / XV-1s

If we have the energy and inclination, we may reverse the cartridges on Saturday night.

Thom @ Galibier