Best Cartridge for Rega RB 300 and RB1000 ?

I own both arms and I will use both on 2 different tables. Unfortuntately, I don't know waht to look for when it comes to specs, i.e., tonearm mass, compliance, etc. However, I know what i like when it comes to what I'm hearing.
Currently, a Denon 103 is mounted on the RB300. To me it has very good soundstage, tonal balance, attack and decay. Bass is deep and articulate with low passages very quiet. I like the combo very much.
The RB1000 is still new in the box. Plans are to mount it this Winter, but I have no cartridge yet.
Any and all advise is sought from all.
Thanks for your time and effort.
Take a look er a listen of the new Rega MC Cartridge. I heard it the other day and am waiting for the dealer to break it in so I can try it at home. Very good first impression.
If you like the DL103 on an RB300, then a DL103R on the 1000 would be a sure thing. I run both a 'standard' 103 and an R, and the R is a bit more refined whilst keeping all the good qualities of the standard 103.

I have had very good luck with Van Den Hul. The effective mass is perfect fit for VDH as well as many others. The RB100 has an effective mass of ten.
I had a Benz Glider and then a Cardas Heart Reference on my RB300 when I had it. They both retailed for more than the arm, the Heart especially, but they sounded great. The Heart is also a Benz, by the way.
The Ortofon Vigor is a European HOMC that is packaged w/the RB300 by Acoustic Solid (from whom I recently bought a table/arm/cart). The combo works very well and this cart (or US equivalent Ortofon HOMC) represents good value at its price point - app. $250. I later swapped out the Ortofon for a Clearaudio Aurum Beta S (app $500) from another table I own and found somewhat tighter deep bass and fuller mid bass for the effort. Net, I definitely prefer the Clearaudio, but would have to admit that the Ortofon probably represents the better value.