Nottingham Space Deck 294

Any fellow A-Goner's out there have any experience with this rig?

Also, what cartridge + arm combo do you have it set-up with?

Thanks a lot Rickz.

Does anyone know the Effective Mass of 294 tonearm ? and the recommended cartridge ? Is Denon DL 103R Ok with it ?
Or you I go beyond that, eg Shelter 501 or etc... ?

I listened to the 294 and Ace Space when they first came out. Both with Shelter 501 going through an Aesthetix Rhea phono stage and the same system. Had to think awhile and was not sure I heard a significant difference so I ordered an Ace Space. Upon waiting for the Ace space I had a chance to hear it against a space deck with the upgraded Ace Space arm, again did not hear a diffence so changed the order to the Spacedeck. I think that perhaps the 294 does have more to offer when going to a more reveiling cart. than the 501 but with it they were all pretty even. I think that the last of the SpaceDecks with the new arm were the best buy noting that as everything else went up in price with the drop in the dollar the Spacedeck has not seen a bump up in the last few years. Oddly I recently listened to a hyperspace with the new 12" arm, Dynavector cart and much more expensive equip. (except the phono stage) and it really disappointed. I liked each of the individual components of the demo system but they did not play well with each other. SYSTEM matching is the key.

PS, mine came with the box though set up by the dealer. No special markings.

Just purchased 294 yesterday, still have not decided the cartridge yet. What you guys think about Zu 103 DL (US400), 14 Grames? Do you hink the 294 tonearm can handle it ?

It has got a rave review in the Stereophile lately.
I have a limited budget at the moment, but may straight up to Dynaveor 17 D, or Sheletr 501 MKII, if it is worthwhile.

Thanks a lot.

Bump. I'm curious, too, re: Zu 103 with 294 arm. Also about other 12 in arm options for this TT.
Hi Caspermao
Just to share with you.
Found one on Vinyl Assylum:::

Posted by jbcortes (A ) on March 5, 2008 at 03:47:56
In Reply to: Nottingham 294 Tonearm Options posted by selfdivider on March 4, 2008 at 18:09:37:

I use a Brinkmann 12.1, I've always been a big fan of Brinkmann products. It's expensive, but makes the 294 sound absolutely state of the art. I listen to the same kind of music as you. Nottingham's tonearm can still be used provided you don't mind approximative build quality, VTF changing each time you touch the arm, too much movement at the pivot and an ill-adjusted counterweight. Despite all of this, it still managed to sound musical. But it won't do justice to the 294, which is a great turntable provided you give it a little bit of attention. I also replaced the mat with a Boston Audio and removed the plinth underneath to place the TT straight on a very solid rack. It went from sounding good (stock unit) to very good (with Boston mat and without plinth) to absolutely stunning (with the Brinkmann). The Moerch is also used quite often by dealers who feel NA tonearms are not built up to the same standards are their tables. I've never heard one though.
Anyway, the 294 is indeed great, very beautiful, a joy to use and built to last. Treat yourself and get one. You can upgrade arm et cartridge in the future, this table will accept very high-end partners.