VPI table owners, help please.

I'm using the SuperScoutmaster with VPI signature arm and Dynavector XX2 or 17D3 cartridge. I'm using an Ayre P-5xe phono stage. Was wondering what cables you guys & gals have been using (or not using because?) between your arm and phonostage? I run RCA from arm to phono. Looking in the $500.00 range new for 1m pr. Any opinions would really help.
Rest of the system is VPI SDS, Ayre K-1XE preamp, Parasound JC-1 monoblocks, and Thiel CS7.2 speakers.
Analysis plus. I don't have them now, but I plan to get them soon. They come in 180 and 90 degree.
I dont need an actual phono cable. Any Cables with RCA terminations will work. The box on my table is setup with RCA outputs.
Tfkaudio: I am using the Jaguars now. I liked using the Bogdan gold/silver spirit better but they are not shielded and were noisey in this position. (no where else in my system though) The Jaguars are quiet but in my system are a little to crisp for my taste. This is a drag since with my old system the Jaguars from the table and Bogdans everywhere else were perfect.
I have a Graham arm mounted on a VPI table, and I use Graham's IC-50 one meter silver cable. It's a mini-DIN at the arm to RCA's at the phono preamp end. I had a little bit of RF noise once, which I dealt with using AudioQuest "RF Stoppers." This problem went away after I rearranged my system furniture after a subsequent upgrade.
I'm currently using a pair of Ridge Street Audio Designs Poiema!!! Very nice, detailed but not harsh. These replaced a pair of Nordost Valhalla's, which were very detailed, but a bit on the thin side.

I have a 1 meter pair of Jade Audio Gold on order, and if these are as good as some have said, the RSAD may be up for sale. :)
"I dont need an actual phono cable." yes you do. It comes in rca also. The phono cables is designed to handle the special requirements of the tiny phono signal. I understand you do not need an din connector.