Albert Porter's Lenco

Every time I see a Lenco online, I regret passing up buying Albert Porter's gorgeous Lenco when he put it up for sale here. Would the lucky owner care to comment on how much he has been enjoying it? On the other hand, could the lucky owner lie to me and tell me how much he hates it so that I can feel better about passing it up? I am an idiot sometimes.
Or, you could have someone else do it for you, as several others, even several others here, have done. ;-)
Avguygeorge, a rim drive turntable that was reasonably popular in the 60's and 70's. They may be found reasonably priced (or not) at Ebay and garage sales. There is an entire thread on the topic, the most popular is

Albert, if I may ask, how come you sold your Lenco? I have heard some amazing things about rebuilt idler wheels.

Hello Paul, no reason really except for physical space.

The Lenco was a great performer and fun to use but I own a Walker Proscenium, a Technics 1520 and McCormack UDP-1 Deluxe. It got to the point where I had to choose between space for more equipment or software.

I wound up moving my VPI 17F to the photo studio and sold the Lenco. I simply could not justify another source and in the absence of these two pieces "moved" the space is filled with new LP's.