"S" shaped tonearm ?

what is the reason a company ,such as denon for instance to put an "S" shaped tonearm on there table. ive had both straight and S . and while not high end , i currently have the denon dp500m table . ive heard nor seen an advantage to either, though my experience is very much amature audiophile.
Dare I say it?....I think the earlier post by Audiofeil makes the most sense.The scientific theory,and overall arguement just seem to make the most sense to me.
Based on personal usage,I could probably make a case for a "straight" arm linear tracker being the ONLY way to go,as the ones I have heard were clearly superior to any arms in my experience.This is not the topic here,but it's a fun thought,as the "pondering" aspect of this thread hs brought out alot of conjecture.
Best to all.
Dear Sirspeedy: IMHO you need to re-read some posts in the thread, now if you already make it then I have to say that it is not possible to " talk " with people with out know-how on the subject.

Your statement: +++++ " a "straight" arm linear tracker being the ONLY way to go.... " +++++, confirm that non know-how.

Everything ( choices/alternatives )in this life like in the audio subjects are surrounded of trade-offs. Your " ONLY way to go " tell us ONLY your mis-understanding about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
BTW Raul,I was being a bit sarcastic.Just in case you misinterpreted me,which seems to be the case.
As to the subject of you mentioning,why should I "talk with people without hnow how on the subject",I am anxiously awaiting your arm design.
Best regards
Dear Sirspeedy: I'm sorry for my misunderstanding.

+++++ " awaiting your arm design ..." +++++

Well, I'm awaiting too. Build/design a tonearm is more or less an easy task but build/design " the arm " is a hard task, very complex and time consuming. We are working in and if we achieve our targets then that tonearm will appear at the " audio world " but if we can't reach those targets then there will be no tonearm at all.

Regards and enjoy the music.