Discounts vs. Agon listings

I did a simple favor for a distributor. In kind, they offered me a 20% discount on any new product they sell. I'm looking to get back into vinyl in a small way, and I've had my eye on a VPI scout (this company offers most other well known turntables; Rega, Thorens, Marantz, Avid, Clearaudio, Mitchell, ect.) . My question is, when considering that the VPI's new, 1800 retail price falls to 1460, is this a good enough discount, or is searching the Agon listings a better bet for finding a decent, used turntable?

My equipment is Quicksilver V4 monos and linestage pre with Thiel 1.5s. Another has a Sophia Electric EL34 driving Sililoquy 2a3s. I know I'll need a phono pre, disc washer, cartridges, etc., but I'd rather get the biggest obstacle out of the way first.

Thanks for any help.
calbrs...not trying to discourage you, but just know (i've been collecting vinyl since 1966), that the 'dissatisfaction thing' was there before the invention of the cd. its called boredom. there are days any hifi nut wants to chuck it all and start, name it..also, for every instance an lp sounds better than an cd, there will be another that doesn't or sounds far worse....the 'tunes' will eventually take care of you, the hardware and software won't....though the boredom will go away for a time.
Don't even think about buying used unless it can be picked up and demo'd. Local dealer demo's are ideal since they come with service. But again, the dealer must be able to demo the unit, 'open box' to be avoided. As mentioned by others, some dealers will actually visit and make sure it is working properly at your site. Often the latter takes place when you have the dealer deliver the unit and set it up. Getting the latter type of service is worth more then any 'discount', IMHO. So, buy a demo with service locally and forget a 'discount'.
Jaybo: Again, sage advice. Well worth contemplation.

Lloydc: Your warnings are heeded; they are what I worry about.

Tiger: That's something I hadn't considered. I was surprised that initial setup performance bested any savings on new retail. Is setup something that can't be done by the layman, no matter how well read, patient or handy?
Most all my gear comes from Audiogon, except turntables. I have bought used tables on the internet, but only less expensive ones in secondary systems. Unless you know how and have the means to set one up, a dealer in this case is worth the extra.