Denon DL103R with Shindo Monbrison

Does anybody know if the 103R's 14 ohm DCR is low enough for the Shindo's trannies or not? I have not tried a cart with resistance that high, more like <5 ohms, but would like to try this cheap "giant-killer" cart.
I asked a simple question, received an answer that indicated NO, this is NOT an ideal matching of cart to tranny, and so stated the (rather sensible, I think) decision that I wouldn't use the cart with the Shindo after all. I stated that I was not interested in purchasing external trannies. How that warranted a further response of "you must have had your mind made up before you asked the question" I just honestly do not understand - the conclusion drawn there doesn't fit the evidence of the discussion, even not considering the private reply I received.

Nevertheless, the second paragraph of my response was really not called for and, yes, a little rude, so I apologize. Internet pissing matches are a silly waste of everyone's time, so let's chalk this up to a simple misunderstanding and let it lie. Have a great evening.
I agree that the Shindo and the Denon 103R (w/o the A23) is only a mediocre combination, and while it "works" it is not great.
Have a great evening.
Paulfolbrecht, It seems that Aronsss took time out to respond to a question seem pretty nice of him, cut him some slack. a thank you would not be out of line.Good luck
BTW,if the combo is not a good one in stock configuration, it is probable that a little soldering of a few resistors and maybe a v small cap will make the match work fine. SUTs, like all other transformers, do not have an intrinsic impedance; they reflect the input or output impedance of what they are hooked up to. So, you can probably make it work with a little technical expertise and some parts. You might want to read more on this subject on the Jensen Transformer website. They make available some very informative pdf's on transformer function, free of charge.