What's inside the plinth of your Garrard 401?

I will soon take delivery of a Garrard 401. I have seen pictures of the unit and it will come without a plinth. So - as I go through the Virtual Systems to look at plinths of 401 owners, I notice most of them are custom-made and very creative.

How did you make such a beautiful table? Did your carpenter do it? Did it yourself? What kind of wood and how much should you pay for it? And what's inside the plinth?

Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question about the 60Hz pulley and sped adjustment as I have never played with a 401. I do own a 301, but it is not in use because I still need to buy or build a plinth for it. I am currently too happy with my Lenco to worry about a plinth for the 301. But this is the reason I urged you to go to a Garrard specialty website. You will get all the guidance you need from those guys.

Re your remarks about 401 v 301, I'm pretty sure I've read on the web that the bearing/spindle/platter for at least the late 301 is identical to that of a 401, so, barring differences between the motors (minimal if any at all) and chassis' (possibly the 301 chassis is stiffer and better damped due to thicker metal), there should be very little difference in sonics between the two. The 301 has more of a cult status and so commands higher prices and more adulation, I guess.
George, with 50hz pulley still can't compensate the speed using the pitch control, though you can zero in on the strobe markings but still too fast. One alternative is to shave down your existing 50hz pulley to 5/6 of what it is (have a caliper to check the measurement and a strobe disc to verify speed)This route may even be a lot better than the ones you can get thru ebay. The pulley measurements for the 301 and 401 are actually the same though the orientation of the locking screws are different.

Crem1, those slate plinths are real beauties but as you said they do cost a bundle.

Lewm, I have heard a lot of good things about them Lenco's. I also have a 301, somehow if my memory serves me right the 401 seems to be heavier( Unless my mind has been playing tricks on me)could be due to the heavier motor. Just too lazy to check it now.
Ngeorge: FYI , Google "Garrard 301 turntable plinth" or go directly to the 6 moons web site to the 2005 articles regarding a 301 restoration.

There you can view several revealing photo's of the late genius , Terry Cain , who developed a superb 2-stage plinth as shown. The Plinth may go back into production soon , price has yet to be published.
Thanks for the info, Crem1, but how long do I need to wait for it to happen?

Wow! The Shindo Labs 301 is a real beauty - and a real up-there price, too!

I need to find a good carpenter. (I have a feeling this is going to take a while to finish this project. Sigh...:(

Ngeorge : I wish I knew .

Perhaps, an experienced wood worker with excellent visual skills could review the photos making you a copy ,sans the custom made brass parts ,that may be duplicated with generic type solid brass parts commonly sold on DIY web sites.

Just a note, I have a friend who applied the 6 moons refirb to his 301 . That was 2 years ago and he continues to tweek , but he loves the results. All the Best, Charlie