best MM cartridge...

the general consensus, it seems, is that MCs are superior.
But suppose you wanted to stay with MM carts, before mpving on to MCs, in your expereince, which would you consider the best all around performer for MM? Does any one
have any experience with the Ortonfon 2M Black?
I third the AT150. I was lucky to find a nearly new AT155LC about a year ago and it ranks right up there with the best cartridges I've heard.

I went through a period of buying a LOT of vintage carts and then a LOT of low output MC carts that sell for up to $800.

In the end I kept only two, the AT155LC and the Denon DL103D.

The MC carts that I gave up were the ATOC9MLII, Shelter 501II, and the Benz Micro Glider L2. The Vintage carts were AT15Sa, AT500DR, ADL XLMIII, Grace F9E and others.

I also tried a Denon DL103R and a Rega Exact.

The two I kept were the best by far to my ears.

Good Luck
Try a Dynavector DV20XH - a MC that can be used with a MM phono stage. I use one on my Rega P7 with the phono stage on my Rotel RC-1090 pre.
No one spoke about the Adikt?
However, sticking with what you have for a frame of reference is a good chunk of advice.
(A sub 300 dollar cart will usually sound better in a 800 table than a sub 300 dollar table with an 800 dollar cart.)
Dear Jlamb: Right now there is a rare opportunity, you can buy an almost impossible to find MM cartridge ( one of the best quality performer ever made ): Audio Technica ATML-170 OCC in NEW condition ( boxed ) through ebay Canada.
This cartridge do justice to your title thread.

Regards and enjoy the music.