Thoughts on Phantom vs Copperhead?

Hi folks,I have a good friend who is considering moving from a Phantom to the Copperhead....

He is a serious LP collector(with a superb system),and obviously likes the superb Phantom alot.I DO too,but he has asked me to get "any" feedback on the comparison,or "consideration of one over the other" that I can....Hence,this post!!...

Btw,the table he has(like myself)is the latest SOTA COSMOS,with a Transfig Orpheus cartridge.His speaker is the Magico Mini,run by high res electronics.

Any thoughts would be welcome..
It's nice to see that someone keeps on trying to improve on their system. Some people trade in their cars every year so I see nothing wrong with doing the same with audio equipment. It's their money more power to them.
I like people who have more disposable income than me, it gives me the opportunity to buy their used equipment at a good savings.
If you can afford it go for it.
Joe Nies
My advice would be to take the $ and use it to have musicians play live music in his home once a month. Then he'll see that no matter how much upgrading he does it will never be enough. Then he'll give up. Right?
I think you have it wrong Gerardff... This guy doesn't like music, he just likes to own expensive toys.
Actually he likes live music enough to go twice a week to Carnegie Hall,and "yes" he likes to spend money...........We should all be so fortunate -:)